How To Get InMail Credits on LinkedIn

Written By Alex Cherry

InMail is LinkedIn’s extension of its primary messaging feature. It enables you to communicate with people outside your connections. But it isn’t free.

This article will demonstrate how you can get inmail credits on LinkedIn. There are many ways to get InMail credits on LinkedIn. You have to figure out how. Let’s have a look at all the methods;

By Purchasing From LinkedIn 

InMail credits can be purchased from the platform, which is the easiest way to get more. This is how you can buy Inmail credits on LinkedIn:

  1. Click on the Premium subscription settings
  2. Next to InMail messages, click Buy More.
  3. You can choose how much you want to purchase from the pop-up window for Purchase InMail.

By increasing your engagement

For a good reason, LinkedIn placed some limitations on InMail. It may be frustrating to see the words “You have no inmail credits left,” but connecting over numbers is still essential.

InMail messages can’t be sent again to users until they respond to the initial Message. The recipient will receive an automated reminder within three days, so there’s no need to be worried.

You won’t be credited back for InMail messages that aren’t responded to within 90 days. Auto-replies are considered a response if your prospect is gone for a while.

Here are two ways to get free Inmails based on your response rate:

  1. How Will You Get Unlimited Inmail Credit

Furthermore, the new InMail policies allow you to receive unlimited messages. It can only be achieved if the response rate is 100%.

There’s just one problem: getting a response every single time is almost impossible. It doesn’t matter how perfect your Message is; it can be ignored. Users may also not log into their accounts very often, or they may choose to respond to your email instead.

However, you don’t have to give up. There’s still the possibility that you can get free InMails – and it might even be more than you were getting before.

  1. How Will Reasonable Response Rate Reward

As part of LinkedIn’s old policy, users with a low response rate were rewarded with more free InMails.

For example, if someone replied to 20 out of 100 emails, they would get 80 back. If this continues throughout the month, users who send ineffective messages will receive hundreds of free InMails each month.

Now, this is no longer the case. InMail users now get a different amount of complimentary messages every month. There has been a significant increase in some accounts, including Recruiter and Recruiter Professional Services.

Additionally, LinkedIn no longer rewards users who don’t receive many responses. Users who receive more responses will instead receive more free InMails. As soon as you reach 100%, your monthly messages will be unlimited.

It’s good news for users who prefer to send out InMails that generate positive responses rather than spam messages. It means that the most influential users will be rewarded.

By Saving Inmail Credits

InMail credits can be saved in a certain way: You can send a message to someone within a group without it affecting your credits if you are a group member.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Visit one of your connections’ profiles.
  2. Using the list on their page, you can see if there are any groups you have in common. When you share a group, you will see a checkmark next to the word “member.”
  3. Go to the group page and select “see all members.”
  4. Select the members you wish to contact
  5. By clicking on “send a message,” you can reach out to them without affecting your InMail credit.

By Purchasing From Recruiter Lite Account

Recruiter Lite lets you send InMail messages to LinkedIn members who aren’t your first-degree connections. You can purchase additional InMail credits if you run out of credits in your Recruiter Lite Account.

Add InMail credits to Recruiter Lite by following these steps:

  • Access your Recruiter Lite Account.
  • Select Product Settings from your profile picture on the top right of the page by hovering over it.
  • To purchase monthly InMail credits, select Purchase next to Manage Your Account on the left.
  • Click Continue after you enter the number of InMails (sold in packs of 10) you’d like to purchase.
  • When you finish the payment process, your Recruiter Lite Account will be automatically credited with InMail credits.

How to Send An InMail Message

If a user is already part of your LinkedIn connections, InMail won’t activate.

Here is how to send inmail:

  1. Visit the LinkedIn profile of the person you wish to contact;
  2. Visit their introduction card by clicking the More button;
  3. You can fill in the subject and body of a message by selecting Message from the dropdown.
  4. LinkedIn will reward you with more InMail credits if you get reasonable response rates.

What is the frequency of receiving InMail credits?

Depending on your account type, you may receive a certain number of monthly InMail messages. Business accounts get 15 InMail per month, while career accounts get 5.

What is the cost of InMail credits?

InMail credits vary depending on your LinkedIn Account, just like the monthly credit.

  • There is a $29.99 monthly cost for the premium Account.
  • A Sales Navigator Account costs $79.99 per month (or $779.88 per year).

How long do InMail credits last?

There is no expiration date for LinkedIn InMail credits. However, the number of subscriptions you can receive each month is limited.


As you can see, there are still ways to get free InMails throughout the month despite all the panic about the changes to InMail.

You can find more InMails to use by purchasing or creating messages that will elicit a response, allowing you to connect with other users.