What Does ‘Viewed’ Mean on LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a tool that is used to find potential customers and connect with them.

On LinkedIn Sales Navigator, the “Viewed” section refers to the number of times that a particular person has viewed your LinkedIn profile. When someone views your LinkedIn profile, it means they have visited your page to learn more about you and your professional background.

The “Viewed” section on Sales Navigator provides a list of people who have recently viewed your LinkedIn profile. This section can be useful for sales professionals who want to identify potential customers or leads who have shown interest in their profile or business.

LinkedIn is a powerful social media site for business professionals. It allows users to connect with colleagues and clients, exchanges ideas, and build relationships. For B2B marketers LinkedIn can be a lot helpful when it comes to generating leads and driving sales.

Sales Navigator is a premium tool for professionals that offers a variety of features that businesses can use to close new deals. The most notable feature of the Sales Navigator is its powerful search capabilities. Businesses can use it to find and connect with potential customers based on a variety of criteria, including job title, company size, or location. It also offers a wealth of data about potential customers, including contact information, company size, and recent job changes. Among these features is also the “Viewed” option, but what exactly it is?

  1. Sales Navigator showing “Viewed” besides leads

LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator is a great tool for sales professionals, but it can be easy to waste time if you’re not careful. One way to avoid this is by paying attention to the “Viewed” beside each lead’s name. Sales Navigator showing “Viewed” besides leads means that they have already viewed your profile before, and therefore might be a warm lead.

It’s important to note that not all profile views are created equal. Some views may be from people who are genuinely interested in learning more about you or your business, while others may be from people who are simply browsing or have stumbled upon your profile accidentally.

Regardless of the reason for the view, keeping track of who has viewed your profile can provide valuable insights into who is interested in your business and can help you to tailor your outreach efforts more effectively.

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  1. Sales Navigator shows “Viewed” for people who visited your profile.

Sales Navigator allows you to view people who have viewed your profile, which can be a valuable way to gauge interest and start a conversation. You can also use Sales Navigator to find and connect with potential customers and clients. Additionally, Sales Navigator allows users to track conversion progress over time, so they can see what strategies are working and which ones need improvement.

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The viewed feature on Sales Navigator is very helpful in terms of providing a comprehensive overview of who has viewed your profile. It also offers some insights into what companies have been looking at your profile, which can be helpful in terms of targeting potential leads.

Related Questions

Can people know if I view them using Sales Navigator?

Sales Navigator is a tool that allows users to view the profiles of other LinkedIn members, that aren’t in their immediate connection. However, LinkedIn does not notify users when someone views their profile using Sales Navigator. 

What does it mean when your profile is viewed on LinkedIn?

It means that someone has visited your profile and looked at it. LinkedIn keeps track of who views your profile and will show you the “Who Viewed Your Profile” section of your account. You can use this information to see who is interested in you and your career. However, this feature is only available to LinkedIn premium members. Non-premium members can only see the number of people who have viewed their profile, and can’t access their names or email addresses.

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