What is the Best Time To Send LinkedIn InMail?

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn was once viewed as a platform where professionals could connect with like-minded people, search for jobs, and follow company updates. Over the years, it has become one of the most powerful B2B marketing and sales platforms for companies. It allows sales representatives to connect with industry leaders and decision-makers more efficiently. However, sending a message pitch with your product or service can get you blocked or reported as spam. Therefore, it is crucial to know when to send an InMail. In this article, we will share the best time to send LinkedIn InMail to get a high response rate. So, let’s get started.

When is the best time to send LinkedIn InMail?

LinkedIn says the best time to send an InMail is between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on a weekday. Sending an InMail during this time gets the highest response rate. What drives the response rate is the length and personalization of the message. The shorter and more personalized InMail, the higher the response rate. 

When is the worst time to post on LinkedIn?

Weekends and evenings are considered the worst time to send an InMail. Messages are worth it if they accomplish what it is intended to – enable people to read and respond to them. Therefore, marketers should research, and notice patterns based on their potential audience behaviours. According to LinkedIn data, InMails sent on Saturday are 16% less likely to get a response.

How to use LinkedIn InMail effectively?

  • Keep in mind the number of InMail credits you have and send InMail only to top prospects.
  • Research prospects’ LinkedIn profiles and understand their pain points or interests.
  • Keep the InMail message short and relevant to the prospect.
  • Write a catchy subject line that grabs the prospect’s attention.
  • Mention how you can add value to your prospect.

How to increase LinkedIn InMail response rate?

Since LinkedIn is the king of B2B marketing, with 94% of B2B buyers using LinkedIn to distribute their content and 80% of leads coming from LinkedIn, it is time to master LinkedIn to get more business using LinkedIn InMail. You need to know how to send an effective InMail since 48% of B2B decision makers won’t even respond to your InMail if not personalized to them.

Here are the hacks to get your InMail read and lead to close more leads:

Grab their attention by mentioning a mutual connection

33% of email recipients decide whether or not to open an email based on the subject line. LinkedIn messages are no different. Getting someone to open your message is half the battle won. As many people access LinkedIn on mobile, it is vital to ensure mobile responsiveness as well. Keep the subject line within 4 to 5 words since only 25-30 characters will fit in the subject line on mobile. You can mention a mutual connection, shared interest, or mention their achievements to catch their attention and possibly intrigue them to open your message.

Keep the InMail short with a personalized message

No one wants to waste time reading long paragraphs from a random person on LinkedIn. Personalizing a message helps the user to read your message. Using the word ‘because’ helps to understand the reason for messaging and has caused a 55% increase in the conversion rate. Also, make sure to sound courteous and professional but also show your personality and intrigue them enough to respond to your message. End the message with a clear call to action, which allows people to make better decisions.

Offer details

Your prospects might be busy and can be turned off by your time-consuming InMails. Instead, you can propose a day/time that works for them to connect on LinkedIn. If they are open to it, schedule a meeting. Introduce yourself and tell them why you are sending them an InMail. Provide short but sweet details about your company if they don’t know about it and why you are contacting them.

Talk to the people who want to hear from you

If you want to improve the open rates, send an InMail message to people who are already interested in your products/services. This can be done by using the LinkedIn Sales navigator account and finding people who have shown interest in your offerings. Also, you can find Open Profiles using Sales Navigator and send free messages to your prospects helping you save your InMail credits.

Does LinkedIn InMail really work?

LinkedIn InMail is very effective in reaching out to potential prospects, and LinkedIn has a reputation for high engagement in sales and marketing. Plenty of B2B brands already use the paid features of LinkedIn to get great results. InMail messages tend to see high open rate than cold emails, but they cost much more than setting up an effective email campaign.

How long should a LinkedIn InMail be?

LinkedIn’s response rate for InMails of 201 to 400 characters is 16% above the average rate. This means the shorter InMails are more likely to get a response compared to lengthy InMail. Overall shorter InMails with characters 400 or less performed 41% better than the longest InMails of 1400 characters.

How do I know if my InMail is read?

LinkedIn has three message statuses for InMails that you may see on the InMail page:

  • Accepted – The message has been read and accepted. You must have received a response from the recipient.
  • Declined – The recipient has rejected your offer.
  • Pending – The recipient hasn’t replied to your message.

Key Takeaways

It is important to check when you send an InMail message to increase your chances of getting a response. The key is to follow the time mentioned in this article and personalize the message for each prospect. Following the hacks shared here will also increase your chances of getting a response faster. This article shares many insights that could help you shape your InMail outreach. This is the time to take advantage of these tactics and make more sales through LinkedIn.