How to Write the Perfect LinkedIn Message

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is a great tool for connecting and building your network. But it can be a pain if you don’t know what to say. We’ve put together this guide on how to write the perfect LinkedIn message. Let debate! 

Writing the Perfect LinkedIn Message

It can be tough to know what to say in a LinkedIn message, but with a bit of thought, you can make an impression that will lead to a job offer or other opportunity. When you reach out to someone on LinkedIn, you want to make sure that your message is clear and concise. Personalizing your message and making it relevant to the person you’re reaching out to is also essential.

Use a specific subject line

The subject line is the first thing your recipient will see, and it should be short, to the point and relevant. Adding a subject to your message ensures that the recipient will know what the message is about, and can easily find it if they need to reference it later. Additionally, it will help to keep your LinkedIn messages organized and tidy.

For example, a subject line like “Would love some advice” is more likely to get attention than a generic one like “Hello”. Be specific and clear in your subject line, and avoid using abbreviations or jargon that could be confusing to the reader.

It is also a good practice to add a keyword in the subject as it helps stand out from other messages which may not include the same word or phrase. Adding a keyword also means that any potential contacts who are searching for a message with these keywords will find it quickly.

Make sure the message is relevant.

When it comes time to create a new lead generation strategy, don’t forget this golden rule: relevance!

When you send a LinkedIn message, you want to make sure it’s relevant to the person you’re sending it to. Generic messages or messages meant for someone else. Take the time to personalize your message and make it specific to the person you’re reaching out to. It’ll increase the likelihood of getting a response.

Do some research on the recipient.

When sending a message, the first thing you should do is do some research on the recipient. What is their role and responsibilities? What industry do they work in, and what company they are currently working for. You can also find out their current employment status and any interests that may be relevant to your business or industry (e.g., music). By taking the time to research the recipient, you’ll be more likely to get a positive response.

Be thoughtful and personal.

The best LinkedIn messages are personalized, and thoughtful to the person you’re messaging. To personalize your message, you can.

  • Use recipient name: Your message should begin with the person’s name. This helps make your message more personal, which is important when introducing yourself as a potential connection or hiring a candidate.
  • Asking questions: Asking a question is a great way to show that you’re interested in getting to know the person you’re messaging. You can ask about their job, their company, or their industry. Always avoid asking yes or no questions, as these are usually disregarded.
  • Be Polite: When you’re networking on LinkedIn, it’s important to remember to be polite and professional. Use proper grammar and spelling, and avoiding abbreviations or slang. You also want to avoid being too informal, as this can come across as disrespectful.

If you can find a way to connect with your recipient on a personal level, they’re much more likely to respond to you. Simply sending a generic message that says “Hey, I wanted to connect” is much less likely to get a response than a message that is targeted and tailored to the person you’re reaching out to.

Be brief and keep it short

You should keep your message short and to the point. No more than few sentences, with each sentence being no more than 1-2 lines long. That way, you can use bullet points to break up your content into smaller chunks that are easier for people to digest. If you have more information than that, then use bulleted lists or numbered lists instead of a paragraph-long email with hundreds of words in it!

If possible, try and include keywords in order of importance so that when someone reads through all of them, they’ll know right away what kind of job you’re looking for (or even something else). 

Don’t be pushy

Let the other person know that you’re interested in connecting, but don’t be too insistent. If they’re not interested, move on. There are plenty of other people you can reach out to on LinkedIn.

Pushy is not just about asking for things, but also about being aggressive or overbearing in the way you communicate with people on LinkedIn. If you are too assertive it can result in negative feedback who feel as though they’re being harassed by your message (and rightfully so). 

Related Questions

How to write a good LinkedIn message?

When it comes to messaging someone on LinkedIn, the most important thing is to be professional. Be sure to proofread your message before sending it, and avoid using any slang or abbreviations. It’s also a good idea to keep your message relatively short and to the point.

Is it good to send cold messages on LinkedIn?

When deciding whether to send a cold message on LinkedIn, it is important to consider your relationship with the person you are trying to connect with. If you have a mutual connection, it may be more appropriate to reach out to them through that connection.

If you don’t have a mutual connection, you may want to consider whether or not the person is likely to respond positively to a cold message. If you have a compelling reason to connect with the person, and you are confident they will respond positively to your message, then sending a cold message on LinkedIn may be the right choice.

Key Takeaway

When you take the time to write a LinkedIn message, you want to make sure that it is perfect. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that your message is professional and will stand out from the rest.