How Long Does LinkedIn Keep/Save Messages?

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is an incredible platform where you can connect with numerous people from around the world, search for job opportunities, and even learn and develop new skills from professionals. Likewise, LinkedIn can also be used to organize offline events, create articles, upload pictures and videos, etc. The best part of this platform is that it provides its users a pathway for communication with different individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and interests. Talking to different people allows you to create strong bonds and business relationships, which would prove to be fruitful for you and your work in the long run. 

LinkedIn Messaging is an ideal tool for communication. It has numerous features to make contacting others easier, as well as different programming options that save or archive your messages. 

Keep scrolling to learn more! 

What Is LinkedIn Messaging?

As the name suggests, LinkedIn Messaging is a messaging tool. It provides a way to communicate with other LinkedIn members with whom you are connected to. On this platform, you can only message your 1st-degree connections or fellow group members (if you are within group pages) free of cost. However, if you are not connected, you can send an InMail to another LinkedIn member. 

If you want to communicate with someone, you can initiate the conversation directly from your Messaging App or your connection’s profile. LinkedIn provides you an option to either send a message to a single or a 1st-degree connection or even begin a message thread with two or more connections by sending messages to multiple recipients.  

If you want to share a conversation with another connection, you can do so by forwarding that message. Once the message is sent, it will reach the recipient’s messaging list and probably to their email address. 

Furthermore, you can also continue a dialogue with your connections by searching for sent and received messages using filters or keywords to reply to a message.

The LinkedIn Messaging tool also gives you some options to leave a conversation if you no longer wish to continue it. You can also mute a conversation to stop receiving notifications for new messages on thread. Moreover, if you have started a conversation, you can also end it by deleting the conversation. 

It is also important to know that if you ever receive an inappropriate or offensive message, you can report it as spam. 

Archive LinkedIn Messages

LinkedIn does not remove your messages from the site on its own. Whatever you do with the messages you send and receive is all up to you. 

You can retain or hide your conversations on LinkedIn by archiving them. These archived messages will go down into the “Archived Folder” that you can access anytime you want. 

You should also note that the Sponsored Messaging will be automatically archived by the LinkedIn system after 60 days of receiving them. These messages might be sent by your connections, recruiters, business professionals with job opportunities, or from different companies. They will be labeled as “Sponsored,” “Promotional,” and “LinkedIn Offer”. 

Archiving Messages From Desktop

If you would like to archive a conversation from your desktop, here is how you can do it.

  1. First, click the “Messaging” icon present at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Then select the conversation you want to archive from the left rail.
  3. Click the “More” icon near the upper right of the window.
  4. Finally, select “Archive” from the dropdown, and your conversation will be archived. 

Archiving Messages From LinkedIn Messaging conversation Window 

If you want to archive a conversation from a LinkedIn Messaging conversation window, then follow these steps. 

  1. Click on the “Messaging Conversation Window” that you would find at the bottom right of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Then select the conversation you want to archive.
  3. Click the “More” icon near the upper right of the window.
  4. Finally, select “Archive” from the dropdown, and your conversation will be archived.

View And Unarchive LinkedIn Messages

You can view and even restore the archived LinkedIn conversations easily from the “Archived” folder.

From Desktop

  1. First, click the “Messaging” icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Now, click the “Filter” icon in the Search messages bar near the upper left of the Messaging list.
  3. Select Archived from the dropdown.
  4. Click on the message to view it.
  5. To unarchive the message, click the Restore conversation icon or click on the “More” icon near the upper right of the message window and select Restore.

From LinkedIn Messaging Conversation Window

  1. First, click on the “Messaging Conversation Window” at the bottom right of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Then, click the “Filter” icon in the Search messages bar near the upper right of the conversation window.
  3. Now, select “Archived” from the dropdown.
  4. Click on the message to view it.
  5. To unarchive the message, click the “More” icon on the upper right of the opened message popup and select “Restore”.

Editing Or Deleting A LinkedIn Message

If you have sent someone a message and want to either edit it or delete it, you can do so. However, be careful since you can edit or delete a message within 60 minutes of sending it. You can also not retrieve a message that you have deleted. When you delete a message, it is permanently removed from all participants in the conversation. When a message is either edited or deleted, an “Edited” or “Deleted” badge is displayed to all participants in the conversation. Additionally, you can also report an inappropriate message even if it is edited or deleted. 


Why do LinkedIn Messages disappear?

If you can’t find your LinkedIn messages, then search them in the “Archived” folder. They may be buried far down and you are unable to locate them. 

Where are the messages on LinkedIn?

You can access your messages on LinkedIn by clicking the “Messaging” icon that is present at the top of the LinkedIn homepage. You can also access messages from conversation windows, present at the bottom right of every page.

Are LinkedIn Messages encrypted?

Yes, all the LinkedIn message data is encrypted in transit. Additionally, sensitive data like credit card information and passwords are also encrypted at rest.