How Many Characters Can You Use In A LinkedIn Message?

Written By Alex Cherry

Messaging is one of the features of LinkedIn where you can connect with someone on the platform, and it also has a character limit like any other social media platform. LinkedIn message character limits are not just what can fit in the message but also influences how your personal and professional brand is perceived. It can make or break important network connections. Therefore, learning about these limits can help you optimize your messages and outreach strategy. In this article, we will talk about the LinkedIn message, its character limits, and how to grow a stronger and more valuable network.

How many characters can you use in a LinkedIn message?

The character limit varies for connection messages and InMail messages, and it includes letters, numbers, punctuation marks, emojis, spaces, and symbols. The character limit for a connection message is 300 characters, whereas, for an InMail message, the subject line can be up to 200 characters long, and the body of your message can be up to 1900 characters long.

Let’s deep dive into the different types of LinkedIn messages for more clarity.

Types of LinkedIn messages

There are two types of LinkedIn messages, as mentioned below:

Connection message

A connection message is a note you add when you want to connect with someone on LinkedIn. Though it is optional, marketers should always use this feature to increase their chances of making a connection. People typically don’t accept connection requests from LinkedIn users when they don’t know you.

InMail messages

You can do InMail messages only when you have a paid LinkedIn account. In a free account, you cannot send messages that are not connected with you, whereas, with a paid account, the InMail message feature allows you to message even if they are outside your network. You get a set amount of InMail depending on your plan.

You get five InMail messages per month with a career plan, and the business plan gives 15. The Sales plan gives you up to 50 per month, and the Hiring plan gives you 30 InMail messages. You can’t send messages outside your network if you don’t have a premium plan without connecting with them first.

How to make the most out of the LinkedIn Connection and InMail messages?

Grab the attention of the reader

Sending a message on LinkedIn is an art. You need to grab users’ attention, give them the information they need, and encourage them to do what you need them to do. Do not try to send the same message to everyone, as you might be marked as a spammer by readers.

Send personalized messages

To grab the LinkedIn user’s attention, your message needs to be personalized to each individual. Personalized connection messages are most likely accepted, and the recipient also replies to your message. This is because no one wants to read the templated messages anymore, and if you send a personalized message, it attracts the user’s attention.

Send a genuine message

Take time to view their profile and learn more about them. This will help you to send a message more naturally and conversationally. Use their first name, talk about their job and industry, and add one or two genuine compliments.

Include the clear purpose

When talking to someone for the first time, clarify why you are sending them a message. Make it clear that you want to connect with them for a reason and why they should accept your connect request.

How many characters are in a LinkedIn invite?

You are limited to 300 characters or 50 words for connection requests, which is good because you should keep your message short and crisp. People on social media have limited attention spans, and if you write longer messages, they tend to skip the connection request.

How many characters are in a LinkedIn headline?

The LinkedIn character limit for the headline is 220 for desktop and 240 for mobile. Your LinkedIn headline is an essential part of your profile, so make sure to make the best use of it. Remember that you don’t have to use the entire character limit but write enough to grab the user’s attention.

How many characters can you have in a LinkedIn post?

The LinkedIn character limit has been increased from 1300 to 3000 per post. You can now share more than twice the number of characters in your LinkedIn posts. The rise in character limit gives you more freedom to express yourself when sharing engaging stories. Though you can write longer text without compromising to skip important details, it is recommended to keep your post short to grab the reader’s attention.

How long should LinkedIn messages be?

LinkedIn messages with 100 words or less increase your chances of getting more responses, while messages over 200 words decrease the response rate. Having said that, make sure to include a clear call to action to encourage the recipient to respond.

How do I exceed the character limit on LinkedIn?

Though each section on LinkedIn has its character limit, the only option to exceed the character limit is on your LinkedIn posts, where you can continue your post in the comment section. The maximum character limit in the comment section is 1250 characters long. So, if your post exceeds the 3000 characters limit, you can add the rest of the characters in the first comment.

Key Takeaways

You don’t have to utilize the entire character limit allocated to the LinkedIn message section. Less is more when it comes to optimization, and if you feel that you can say the same thing in fewer words while creating the same impact on users, then you should do that. Write your messages human by eliminating large words and replacing them with smaller, easier-to-understand terms.