How To Create A Post On LinkedIn?

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social network, where CEOs, recruiters, founders, marketers, and professionals of all kinds can share job listings, articles, and posts. Whether you want to share an inspirational quote or an article you just read, posting on LinkedIn is very easy and can be done in a few minutes. In this article, we will teach you how to create a post on LinkedIn. Let’s get started.

How to create a post on LinkedIn?

Here are a few simple steps to follow to create a LinkedIn post:

Step 1 – Login to your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – In the middle of the screen, at the top, you can see ‘start a post’ within a box;

click on it.

Step 3 – Type in your post – you can add text, photo, video, or a document by clicking the icons at the bottom.

Step 4 – Once you have composed your post, click on the dropdown which says ‘Anyone’; you can choose who sees your post. Once done, click on the ‘Post’ button.

Why post on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the most popular platform among B2B companies. Posting on the platform helps to get the most out of LinkedIn. Over 50% of social traffic to B2B sites comes from the LinkedIn platform. Every quality content that you post increases your visibility to your target audience. The more active you are, the more visible you are. The platform is ideal for generating leads and boasts of converting 3x higher conversion rates than Google Ads and other platforms.

How to post on LinkedIn from your desktop?

Step 1 – Open your preferred browser and log into your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Tap on ‘Start a post’ at the top of the LinkedIn page

Step 3 – Choose whether you want to add a photo, video, celebrate an occasion, add a document, etc.,

Step 4 – Type your message and add relevant hashtags

Step 5 – Click on the dropdown menu with the profile name to select whether you want to post from your personal profile or company page

Step 6 – Click on the dropdown labeled ‘Anyone’ to select who you want to see your post.

Step 7 – Proofread and click on the ‘Post’ button at the bottom right corner

How to post on LinkedIn using Android?

Step 1 – Open the LinkedIn app and log into your account (if not, download it from the play store)

Step 2 – Tap on the new post at the bottom of your mobile screen

Step 3 – Type in your message and add links, photos, or other relevant documents

Step 4 – Add relevant hashtags

Step 5 – Proofread your content and customize your post settings

Step 6 – Click on the ‘Post’ button at the bottom right corner of your mobile screen

How to post on LinkedIn using iPhone/iPad?

Step 1 – Open the LinkedIn app (If not installed, download from the Appstore)

Step 2 – Log into the LinkedIn app

Step 3 – Tap on the + sign at the bottom center of your mobile screen

Step 4 – Type in your message and add a photo, video, or any other relevant document

Step 5 – Add relevant hashtags

Step 6 – Once done, select whether to post from a personal profile or company page

Step 7 – Choose who can see your update

Step 8 – Proofread and hit the post button

How do you make effective posts on LinkedIn?

Many people get disappointed by the lack of views, likes, comments, and shares on their LinkedIn posts. To make it easier for you, make sure you follow the below framework:

  • Stick to the plain text; the reason for saying so is to be consistent with the type of content you post. You just need a great message, so before writing, be clear in your mind – what’s the purpose of the post and how it will benefit your audience.
  • Use emojis in your posts as it appears more attractive and makes you stand out from the crowd. They break up the walls of text, show your personality and add color to your posts. But don’t go crazy by adding a lot of it. Add them strategically to lift your copy.
  • Have a catchy headline that catches the eyes of your audience to read it further. Some of the ideas to tap are statistics, inspirational quotes, questions, humor, and compelling statements.
  • Start with a story as you are dealing with humans, and they relate to shared experiences. Remember that a good story always has a problem, a solution, and a moral.
  • Mention connections ‘@’ who have been influential to your business. This way, they will respond to your post, and it will appear in their connections feed as well. This helps you grow your network and shout out to people who helped you.
  • Give specific instructions such as like or comment on the post. It encourages people to respond and share their thoughts. It helps to build a relationship by starting a two-way conversation.
  • Add relevant hashtags which help to reach an audience outside your network. You should have a mix of branded hashtags and well-known hashtags.

How to edit or delete a LinkedIn post?

To edit a published post, click on the three dots at the top of your post. Here, you will see the option’ edit post’. Click on it and edit as you want. If you want to delete a post, you can see the option ‘delete post.’ Click on it, and your post will be deleted. You can also find other options such as Save article, Copy link to post, and Disable comments in the dropdown. You can use them as and when required.

What’s the difference between the mobile and desktop versions of LinkedIn?

The desktop version has more functionalities than the mobile app. For instance, you can write articles, restrict comments, and share your published article directly on Twitter, which are unavailable with the mobile version. Therefore, you have to use the web platform or the desktop version of LinkedIn to take advantage of certain features that are not available on mobile.

Key Takeaways

LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to get in front of your audience by posting relevant content addressing your potential customer’s pain points. Keep posting content consistent to be visible to your audience. Using the strategies shared in this article, you can engage prospects and encourage them to trust your brand.