How to Find Your LinkedIn URL

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networking sites, with over a million users. However, if you want to improve your online presence on the platform, it is essential to create a LinkedIn URL. It is a unique identifier for your profile and easy to find.

LinkedIn is a robust platform that can help professionals brand themselves, connect with like-minded individuals, and find new opportunities. It is also helpful for networking and keeping up with industry news. 

One of the features of LinkedIn is its customized profile URL. Your custom URL is the unique web address that appears at the top of your LinkedIn profile page. By default, LinkedIn gives you a long, complicated URL that includes random numbers and letters. 

However, you can create a custom URL that is easy to remember, which can be helpful when sharing your profile with others or adding it to your resume. 

How to find your LinkedIn URL – Step by Step Guide

Finding your LinkedIn profile URL is easy. Log in to your LinkedIn account, click “Me” in the top right corner, and select “View profile” from the drop-down menu. Your profile URL will be displayed in the address bar at the top of your profile page.

  1. Log in to LinkedIn with your username and password. If you don’t have an account, simply sign up.
  2. Once logged in, click “Me” and select “View Profile.”
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  1. The LinkedIn URL of your profile is displayed in the address. Copy and share it into an email, instant message, or social media post.
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Note: The URL will not appear if you don’t have a LinkedIn public profile.

How to make your LinkedIn profile public and get a customized URL?

LinkedIn is a professional networking site, and when you make your profile public, it allows others to view your work history, experience, and skills. If you’re looking for a job, making your profile public makes it easier for recruiters to find you and evaluate your qualifications.  

To make your profile public, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Visit your LinkedIn profile and click “Edit Public Profile and URL” on the right sidebar.
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  1. You will see the option to customize your public URL. Set the desired username and click “Save” to confirm.
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  1. Before exiting the page, scroll down to ensure your profile is open to the public.
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Customizing LinkedIn URL on Mobile

Finding a LinkedIn URL on mobile is a bit more complicated. First, you must open the LinkedIn app and sign in to your account. After that, follow these steps to set a custom LinkedIn Profile URL

  1. Tap on your display picture and click “View Profile.”
  2. Tap the three dots that resemble ellipses next to “Add section” in your introduction section. 
  3. A menu will appear; from there select “Contact info” and click on the Edit icon. 
  4. Once you are on the Edit contact info page, click on your Profile URL and you will be redirected to the settings page.
  5. On the page, click on the custom URL, and tap the Edit icon
  6. Select your desired username and click “Save.”

Related Questions

Should you make your LinkedIn profile public?

There are pros and cons to making your LinkedIn profile public. On the one hand, making it public allows anyone to see your work history, education, and skills. Doing this can be beneficial if you’re looking for a job or trying to attract new business. On the other hand, making your profile public also means that potential employers or clients can see any negative information about you that might be on your profile.

Can you change your LinkedIn profile URL?

Yes, you can change your LinkedIn profile URL. To do so, log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile page. You will see the “Edit public profile & URL” link on the right side of the page. Click on that link, and you will be taken to the page where you can edit your URL.

Is my LinkedIn profile URL case sensitive?

No, LinkedIn profile URLs are not case-sensitive. However, if you want to make it easier for people to find your profile, using a consistent capitalization scheme is a good idea. For example, you could always use capital letters for the first letter of each word in your name.

Key Takeaways

  1. To find your LinkedIn profile URL, log in to your account and click on your name in the top navigation bar. Your profile URL will be displayed in the address bar at the top of your profile page.
  2. You can customize your LinkedIn profile URL by clicking on the “Edit public profile & URL” link on your profile page.
  3. Your LinkedIn profile URL is not case sensitive, but it’s a good idea to use a consistent capitalization scheme for clarity.

Overall, finding your LinkedIn URL is a reasonably straightforward process. You need to know where to look. By following the steps provided in this article, you should be able to locate your URL and start using it to promote your profile and connect with other professionals.