How to Get More Followers on Linkedin

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is a great social platform for networking and connecting with like-minded professionals. Growing your LinkedIn following can help you build a personal brand, make new connections, and improve your visibility online. If you are unsure how to increase your followers on LinkedIn, keep reading for helpful tips.

When it comes to LinkedIn, follower count can be seen as a badge of honor. The more followers you have, the more popular you appear – or so the thinking goes. But getting more followers on LinkedIn can feel like an uphill battle, especially if you’re unsure how to do it. 

Ways to Get More Followers on LinkedIn

There are many ways to get more followers on LinkedIn, but not all are effective. This guide will show you some of the best ways to get more followers on LinkedIn – start building your online presence now. 

Optimize your LinkedIn profile  

Your LinkedIn profile is the first thing people see when they visit your page. Make sure your profile is optimized to make a good impression on potential followers. Include a professional headshot, fill out your summary section, and list your relevant skills and experience. Be sure to include specific keywords in your profile so that people can find you while searching for someone with your skills and experience. 

Post interesting and engaging content

If you want people to follow you on LinkedIn, give them a reason to. Posting interesting and engaging content is a great way to get more followers on LinkedIn. Write articles, create infographics, and post updates to help your audience learn more about your industry.

Engage with other users

Another great way to get more followers on LinkedIn is to engage with other users. Connect with people in your network, leave comments on their posts, and join LinkedIn groups to get the conversation started. The more you interact with others, the more likely they will visit your profile and follow you.

Thank people for sharing your content

So, you’ve posted some great content, and people are starting to share it. What’s next? Thank the people who have shared your content! A simple thank-you message goes a long way in building relationships with potential followers. You can also ask people to share your content with their networks if they find it helpful.

Post content regularly

To keep your followers engaged, you need to post content regularly. Posting once a week is a good starting point, but posting more frequently is better. Just make sure that the quality of your content is high so that people will want to come back for more. 

Follow other users

One of the best ways to get more followers on LinkedIn is to follow other users. When you follow someone, their updates appear in your newsfeed, and they’re more likely to take notice of you and return the favor. Just ensure that you’re following people who are relevant to your industry so that you don’t fill up the newsfeed with irrelevant content.

Craft short and concise posts

When it comes to engagement, quality is more important than quantity. So, don’t feel like you need to write long posts in order to get people’s attention. A concise post can be just as effective (if not more so) in getting people to interact with your content. You can also use images, infographics, and videos to break up your text and make your posts more visually appealing.

Take advantage of video content.

Video is a great way to connect with your audience and get more followers on LinkedIn. Try posting a weekly video update, hosting a live Q&A, or creating an informative tutorial. Just make sure that your videos are high-quality and offer value to your viewers. Videos are much more engaging than text-based posts, so they’re more likely to get shared.

Use LinkedIn hashtags

Hashtags on LinkedIn work as they do on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. When you use a hashtag in your post, it becomes clickable, and anyone searching for that hashtag can see your post. They are a great way to get your content seen by more people. When you use hashtags, your posts appear in the feeds of users who follow that hashtag. Try using 1-2 hashtags per post, and make sure to mix up the hashtags you use so that you’re reaching different people.

Key Takeaways

  • To get more followers on LinkedIn, always post interesting and engaging content, interact with other users, and follow relevant users.
  • Hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by more people. 
  • Posting regularly is essential if you want to keep the followers engaged and keep coming back for more.

By following the tips provided, you can increase the number of followers on LinkedIn. Not only will this help with networking and growing your business, but it can also be a great way to stay connected with others in your field. Remember that it takes time to grow a professional network, and you must be patient. 

So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these tips today and see the results for yourself!