How to Integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator with HubSpot

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a sales intelligence software that gives users the ability to research and identify potential leads on the LinkedIn platform. This software can integrate with various CRM software to provide users with more flexibility and control over their sales pipeline. One CRM is HubSpot, a platform that enables sales reps to effectively manage their customer relationships. 

HubSpot also has powerful tools to track customer interactions, manage customer data, and automate sales processes. But what if you could also integrate LinkedIn Sales Navigator with your HubSpot account? Doing so would give you the best of both worlds – the ability to find and connect with potential customers on LinkedIn and track and manage your sales pipeline in HubSpot.

Well, if you are confused about it, here is a complete step-by-step guide.

Integrating LinkedIn Sales Navigator with HubSpot – Complete Guide

Integrating Sales Navigator with HubSpot can help sales teams more effectively find and connect with potential customers and manage their interactions in one place. It allows the sales teams to save time and be more organized, which can lead to more closed deals and happier customers.

The Prerequisite

Before you start with the integration, make sure that you

  • Have a subscription to Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise plan.
  • You must also have either an Advanced or Advanced Plus account LinkedIn Sales Navigator account. 

Once you have a subscription to both of the above platforms, here is how you can connect Sales Navigator with HubSpot.

Install the LinkedIn Sales Navigator Extension

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account and click the Marketplace icon, located at the main navigation bar. After then select the “App Marketplace”
  2. Search for “LinkedIn Sales navigator App,” or you can click this link instead.
  3. In the upper right, click “Install App”

Once the application is installed, activate it so you can sync data between the different platforms.

Importing and Viewing Sales Navigator Data into HubSpot

Navigate to your contacts or companies, in your HubSpot account. Click the name of the contact or the account.

In the right panel, find LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It will contain information about the company and individual contacts. These contacts are divided into two types.

  • Company: You can view the size, location, and industry of the business. When searching for a company’s profile, HubSpot uses the company’s name and domain.
  • Contacts: These are individual contacts. With HubSpot, you can view their position, employer, and duration in their current position, city, and sector. 

To save a particular contact in your HubSpot CRM from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, click on “Save”

Once saved, you can access the contact to view more details about them. Additionally, you also have the option to send an InMail via LinkedIn.

HubSpot also categorized LinkedIn contacts into various tabs. These includes

Icebreakers: Allows you to view shared connections, experiences, and interests of a contact. Plus, you can see the contact’s recent activity stream, which can be really useful in keeping up with what they’re doing.

Get Introduced: Get Introduced is a great way to connect with new people and expand your professional network. It allows you to ask for a mutual connection for an introduction to your contact.

Related Leads: The Related Leads feature is a quick and easy way to find other leads at the same company as your current lead. They are helpful when you’re trying to reach a decision-maker at a company or when you’re trying to get a sense of the competition

Sending an InMail directly from your HubSpot account

You can compose and send InMails to your LinkedIn contacts directly from a HubSpot account. The feature allows you to reach out to potential customers or partners more efficiently and effectively. To do this, you need to

  • Navigate to your HubSpot account and click “Contact and Companies”
  • Click on the Contact or Company, you want to send an InMail
  • If the contact is imported from Sales Navigator, you will find the option to send an InMail. Click on it and a popup box will open.
  • Inside the popup box, write your message and click Send.

By sending an InMail directly from the HubSpot account, marketers can easily connect with their target audience and promote their products or services. In addition, InMails can be personalized to include the recipient’s name, company, and other information, which can help to create a more personal connection.

Related Questions

Does HubSpot integrate with LinkedIn?

Yes, HubSpot integrates with LinkedIn. You can use HubSpot to save contact and companies from LinkedIn to your HubSpot CRM. It also allows sales reps to create LinkedIn leads in HubSpot and track their progress.

How do I connect LinkedIn sales, Navigator, to HubSpot?

You can connect Sales Navigator to HubSpot through an app. The application will allow you to see your contacts and leads in both tools and send and receive updates between the two systems.

Key Takeaway

Sales Navigator is a powerful LinkedIn sales tool that can be integrated with HubSpot to help sales reps quickly find and connect with the right leads. By integrating Sales Navigator with HubSpot, sales reps can save time and effort in their lead research and outreach process, and close more deals. The tool provides valuable insights into potential customers and helps you target them more effectively. Additionally, it makes it easier to track your interactions with leads and keep track of your progress.