How To Respond To A Recruiter On LinkedIn?

Written By Alex Cherry

Receiving an InMail from a recruiter can make you feel special, but like so many things in life, you get only one shot to make a great first impression. Maybe your profile or resume caught their eye on LinkedIn, but you need to maintain that first good impression to make it to the interview. So how do you communicate when a recruiter reaches out to you? In this article, we will cover how to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn. So, let’s get started.

How to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn?

A good response should:

  • Respond professionally
  • Express your gratitude
  • Clearly state whether you are interested in the given role or not
  • Identify whether you are actively looking for a new role or exploring options
  • Ask for more information
  • Include your phone number and email, along with your availability in the next few days
  • Send your resume

How to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn if interested?

Hi [Name of the Recruiter],

Thanks for getting in touch. Based on the message you have shared about the role; I am very excited to know more about it. It sounds like you are searching for a candidate in [job role] with [write the relevant skills, capabilities, and experience here], and I feel that I can be a great fit for the given role.

I would love to briefly discuss my skills, capabilities, and experience, which will benefit your company. You can reach out to me directly on [your phone number/email].

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

How to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn if not interested?

Hi [Name of the Recruiter],

Thank you for reaching out to me for the [Name of the role]. I am grateful to be considered for the given position.

While the role is intriguing, I am not in the market for a new job as of now. However, if I find myself pursuing a new job in the future, I will get in touch with you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

How to respond if you want to learn more?

Even if you are satisfied with your current role, this could be the time to find a position that fits you better.

You can use the below template to start a conversation:

Hi [Recruiter Name],

Thank you for reaching out for this opportunity. I am grateful to be considered for the role.

Currently, I enjoy the work I’m doing for [Current employer name]. However, this sounds like a great role, and I’m interested to learn more about it. 

Would it be possible to talk next week? I’m available for a phone conversation on [list of dates and times you are available].

I am looking forward to it.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Dos and Don’ts when responding to recruiters:


Respond to the recruiter as soon as possible

Recruiters are usually under tight deadlines to get the best talent for their clients. If you don’t respond within a few days, you may not find the position available any longer.

Respond to all recruiter questions

Say, for example, if the recruiter asks you for some available times and asks the best way to contact you, it is better to give it right away; otherwise, it can slow down the process and exclude your candidacy from the search.


Don’t ignore the request

Even if you are not interested in the position, let the recruiter know about it as a professional courtesy. Secondly, a recruiter has a limit on the number of InMail messages they can send out. They get the credit back when you respond to their message.

Don’t ask the recruiter about the client’s Name, salary, etc.

Don’t ask the recruiter to provide you with the client’s name, salary information, etc., before you have a call with them. A recruiter wants to build a rapport with you before they share all the information. So, wait for the right time to get all the required information from the recruiter.

How to respond to a recruiter email when interested?

Here’s a template you can use to respond to recruiters via email:

Hi [Name of the Recruiter],

Thank you for reaching out for this opportunity – it sounds like a great job and aligns with where I would like to take my career. I am eager to learn more.

As you may have seen on my CV, I have [X number of years of experience] in this field. I have been consistently committed to [specific goal, skill, or trait of a new job]. In my current role at [Name of your current employer], I recently [accomplishments related to the new job].

Can we schedule some time to discuss this opportunity in more detail? I’d be happy to learn more about the role and share how my skills and experiences would benefit [Name of potential employer]. 

I am available on the phone [list of dates and times you are available]. I look forward to speaking with you.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

How to respond to a recruiter’s email when not interested?

Hi [Name of the Recruiter],

Thank you so much for reaching out to me. Unfortunately, I am not interested in this position at this time. However, if I look for another opportunity in the future, I will get in touch with you for sure.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

Key Takeaways

Responding to a recruiter need not be scary. They are just people who can open doors for you. Learning how to respond to a recruiter on LinkedIn is like anything else. It takes practice, and once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy responding to recruiters who seek you out. But it is also important to optimize your LinkedIn profile to let more recruiters find you for any opportunity they have. By following the templates and best practices shared in this article, you can respond to the recruiters much better, leaving a good first impression on them. 

Good luck with your job search!