How To Tag Someone On LinkedIn In A Post Or Comment?

Written By Alex Cherry

Tagging is a feature on all social networks that allows you to mention people, organizations, or companies in a post. Using the mention or tagging feature in a post or comment enables you to encourage a conversation or thank or recognize someone’s contribution on LinkedIn. This article will help you understand how to tag someone on LinkedIn in a post or comment.

How to tag someone on LinkedIn in a post or comment?

Step 1 – Login to your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Click ‘start a post’ to create your post, or click ‘comment’ below someone else’s post to comment on their post

Step 3 – Enter the @ symbol followed by the person’s name (or company page name) you want to mention and continue typing your post. You can check if the name is bold, which means they are tagged.

Step 4 – Once done, click on the ‘Post’ button

What is a tag, and what is it for?

Tagging means mentioning someone on social networks. This can be a single individual or multiple individuals. Tags are used to offer content to the person you tagged. Tagging helps reach the audience and allows viewers to click on the connection names. In B2B, tags can be used to build professional relationships and maintain professional relationships.

How to tag someone on your LinkedIn posts using a computer?

Step 1 – Open your LinkedIn homepage on your browser

Step 2 – Click on ‘Start a post’

Step 3 – Click the @ button on your keyboard and type the person’s name or company page you want to tag. You will see a dropdown with a list of names that you can mention

Step 4 – Select the one which you want to mention. You can check if the name is bold to ensure the tag works.

Step 5 – Keep typing your post and click on ‘Post.’

How to tag someone on your LinkedIn posts on iPhone/Android?

Step 1 – Open the LinkedIn app on your mobile (if not installed, download from the Appstore on iPhone or Play Store on Android)

Step 2 – Tap on the new post at the bottom of your mobile screen

Step 3 – Use the @ symbol from your phone keypad and type the name of the person(s) or company page that you want to tag. You will see a dropdown list of names; select the names of your choices.

Step 4 – Make sure the names appear bold, and then continue typing your message

Step 5 – Once done, click on the ‘Post’ button

How to mention a company in the LinkedIn post?

Tagging a company is the same as tagging a person. Here’s how you can tag a company:

Step 1 – Enter @ where you want to mention the company (in a post or comment)

Step 2 – Start typing its name and select the name from the dropdown when it appears

Step 3 – The tag should appear bold, which means the tagging is done

Step 4 – Once your post is ready, click on ‘Post’

What happens when you tag a company on LinkedIn?

The company will receive a notification from LinkedIn that you have mentioned them in their post. This assures that they will notice your post and respond if they choose to do so. Your network can also click on the tag and find more information about the company.

How many tags should I use?

It is better to use a maximum of 3 tags or mentions per post, as tagging many people may lead to fewer comments from people who are not tagged. Mentioning people who will respond and looking for an engagement. Avoid people who have never shown no interest in your post. It is better to tag any influencer that may be associated with your post.

What is the difference between a tag and a hashtag?

Tags are social media mentions where you tag your colleagues, company pages, etc. Tags allow users to engage with a specific person or a company. Whereas a hashtag is used to gain visibility on your post. The hashtag is a word, or a phrase followed by a hash mark (#) to identify a keyword or topic of interest. Anyone not in your connection can find the post if they follow a hashtag or search for that particular hashtag on the LinkedIn search bar.

Why can’t I tag someone on a LinkedIn post?

You might not be able to able someone for the following reasons:

  • The person is not a part of your network
  • The person is not active on LinkedIn
  • The account is no longer active
  • The name is misspelled

What to do if you are mentioned in a post?

If someone mentions you in their post, visit the post and react to the post by doing the below:

  • Like – It helps to acknowledge that you saw the post
  • Share – If you like the post, you may choose to share it. It is a way of promoting the post and giving it access to a wider audience in your network.
  • Comment – It helps to jump into a conversation. You can add more information by – asking a question or leaving some relevant comments based on the post.

Can I tag anyone on LinkedIn?

It is important to tag the right people. It can be:

  • Your colleagues or good acquaintances
  • Choose active members on LinkedIn
  • Check if they react when other users tag them

Make sure that the content interests them and is directly related to them.

Key Takeaways

You can tag users with the help of @ on your computer or phone. Tagging someone on LinkedIn allows you to gain visibility and build trust with your connections in the long run. When used well, it can increase the reach of your post, attract new leads, strengthen professional links, and retain existing customers.