LinkedIn Carousel Ads Specifications (2023)

Written By Alex Cherry

You’ve probably seen those rotating carousel ads on LinkedIn, and now you’re wondering if they’re worth your time and investment.

In this post, we’ll break down everything you need to know about creating and running Carousel LinkedIn Ads. We’ll cover everything there is to know about Carousel ads and not only that but also how to design them for maximum results.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to answer the question: Are Carousel LinkedIn Ads worth it for my business?

What Are LinkedIn Carousel Ads?

LinkedIn Carousel Ads are ads that allow you to display multiple images in succession in a single, carousel-style ad format.

Unlike single image LinkedIn Ads, Carousel Ads give you the opportunity to show off more of your product or service. On top of that, they’re a great way to capture attention and stand out in a busy newsfeed.

To create a Carousel Ad, you’ll need multiple images displayed in succession. In addition, you can also include a headline, description, and CTA for each image.

Why Use Carousel LinkedIn Ads?

When it comes to LinkedIn Ads, there are a lot of different ad formats that are available. But one of the most popular is the carousel ad.

So why use a carousel ad on LinkedIn? 

Well, there are a few reasons. First, carousel ads give you more space to showcase your products or services. You can include multiple images, and each can have its own link to a landing page. As a result, you can show off your product in all its glory, and potential customers can learn more about each product without leaving LinkedIn.

Second, carousel ads are great for storytelling. You can use them to tell the company’s narrative or tell the story of a customer who’s had a great experience using your product or service.

Last but not least, carousel ads are versatile. You can use them to nurture your brand, announce products or services, or generate leads. And because they stand out from the other LinkedIn Ads formats, they’re more likely to get attention.

What Are the Best Practices for Creating LinkedIn Carousel Ads?

While creating a LinkedIn carousel ad, keep some of the best practices in mind.

First, make sure that your images are high-quality and visually appealing. You only have a few seconds to capture someone’s attention, so make sure these images are striking and eye-catching.

Additionally, include clear and concise text with your carousel ad. That’s because you want to ensure the message is easily understandable by your audience, so use simple, easy-to-read fonts and keep your text brief.

Finally, test out different variations of your carousel ad to see which ones work best. Not all audiences will react the same way to your ad, so it’s vital to experiment and see what resonates with them.

LinkedIn Carousel Ad Specifications: Character Limit, Size, Number of Images, Number of Frames

LinkedIn Carousel Ads are a great way to show off multiple products or services in a single ad. They’re also a great way to tell a story or showcase your company culture.

But before you create your first carousel ad, there are a few things you need to know about the specifications. These include the character limit, size, and number of images and frames.

Let’s start with the character limit. Your headline can be up to 25 characters, and each individual image can be up to 20 characters. Other than that, the description can be up to 100 characters.

As for size, your image dimensions should be 748×990 pixels. And remember, you can have multiple images in your Carousel Ad.

The advertising requirements for carousel card advertisements are listed below:

You may use up to 10 cards, with a minimum of two. Specifications for each card in the carousel are as follows:

  • Max file size is 10 MB.
  • Maximum picture size: 4320 by 4320 pixels
  • 1080 × 1080 pixels with a 1:1 aspect ratio are the recommended single image specifications.
  • Scaled images will be 312 by 312 pixels.
  • Compatible rich media formats:
  • Each picture card’s headline text can only be two lines long before it gets cut off.

Have you ever used Carousel LinkedIn Ads? Chances are, you answered no because you’re not quite sure what they are. Allow us to clear some things up for you.

Here are some of the most common questions we get about Carousel LinkedIn Ads:

Related Questions

Do I need to create different ads for each image?

No, you don’t need to create different ads for each image. However, you will need to upload each photograph as a separate file.

Can I use video in Carousel LinkedIn Ads format instead of images?

For the time being, only images are compatible with the Carousel LinkedIn Ads format.

Can I use text in Carousel LinkedIn Ads format in addition to images?

You can add text to your carousel ad using the “Text Over Image” format.

How many images can I include in my carousel?

You can include up to 10 images in your carousel ad. But presently, that’s the maximum, although there are possibilities of expansion in the near future. 

Key Takeaways

When it comes to LinkedIn carousel ads, there are a few things to keep in mind to make the most of this powerful ad format. First and foremost, use high-quality images to capture your audience’s attention. You also want to limit the number of images in your carousel ad to three or four, as any more could be overwhelming and reduce click-through rates.

Other than that, test and experiment with different images and frames to see what works best for your brand and audience. 

With the right approach, carousel ads can be a powerful way to reach more LinkedIn users and drive engagement with your brand.