LinkedIn Conversion Tracking Pixel: The Complete Guide

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn Ads is a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target market on the LinkedIn platform. They are highly effective at driving conversions because they allow businesses to target their specific audience with laser precision. LinkedIn Ads also offers a variety of ad formats, which makes it easy for businesses to create an ad that fits their needs. In addition, running ads on LinkedIn is affordable and provides businesses with valuable data about their target market. Want to learn more? Read this article till the end. 

What is Conversion Tracking Pixel?

A LinkedIn conversion tracking pixel is a piece of code that you can add to your website to track conversions. When someone visits your website and takes an action that you’ve defined as a conversion, the pixel will fire and send data back to LinkedIn. This data can then be used to track conversions and optimize your LinkedIn campaigns. If you’re not using it, you may be missing out on valuable data that could help you to improve your results.

Below is the complete guide to Conversion Tracking Pixel.

Installing and Targeting People with LinkedIn Conversion Tracking Pixel

LinkedIn’s conversion tracking pixel can help you target your audience more effectively. By installing the pixel on your website, you can track conversions and optimize your campaigns accordingly. To install the pixel, simply add a few lines of code to your website. Once installed, you can target your audience by creating custom audiences and targeting them with ads.

  • Sign in to Campaign Manager. Select Account Assets and click on the Conversion Tracking form.
  • Click ‘Create Conversion’ and from the dropdown menu select Online Conversion
  • Name your conversion for reference.
  • Create conversion settings. This can include
  1. Choosing the type of conversion
  2. Selecting a monetary value of conversion (if required)
  3. Selecting conversion windows for views and clicks
  4. Choosing an attribution model
  • Click Next Step. There you will need to mark checkboxes next to campaigns where you want the conversions to apply. 
  • Once done, select ‘Next’ and you will need to define how you would like to track your conversion. Here you have two options either use the image pixel or the Insight tag. Remember that the Insight tag is a little less accurate.
  • Click Copy code to generate the code. You now need to install the code on your website and needs to be triggered when the action is committed. For instance, the code must be deployed in a way that it loads whenever a user clicks a button on your website if you want to track conversions. 

The LinkedIn Conversion Tracking Pixel is a powerful tool that can help you track the effectiveness of your LinkedIn ads. By placing a piece of code on your website, you can track how many people click on your ad and then go on to convert, or take the desired action, on your site. This can be a valuable metric to help you optimize your LinkedIn ad campaigns and ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck.

How to Install the Insight Tag to Track Conversion

  • To install the pixel, sign in to your Campaign Manager. If you don’t know how to do this, find the “Advertise” option in the upper right-hand corner of your LinkedIn profile, and click it.
  • Select your Ad Account. Once done find the “Account Assets” tab on the right-hand side of the top navigation bar and click on it. From the dropdown menu select “Conversion Tracking”
  • Click on the Data Source tab, and Select “Install my Insight Tag”
  • You will have three options when it comes to installing the tag.
  1. Sending it to the developer to add it for you
  2. Installing it yourself (if you know how to)
  3. Using the tag manager.

For this guide, we are assuming that you have access to the backend of your website and are able to install the code yourself.

  • Select “I will install the tag myself” and copy the code.
Text, letter

Description automatically generated
  • Once copied, add code to every page. A good way to do this is by pasting it just before the </body> tag of the sitewide footer.
  • Double check and see if the process works. To do this, return to your Campaign Manager’s “Insight Tab” page and confirm that your domains are shown.

Please be aware that it may take up to 24 hours for this to show up, so don’t be frustrated if you don’t see them mentioned right away.

How to Retarget People with LinkedIn Pixel Conversion Tracking

  • Once you have the LinkedIn insight tag installed you can see how it is performing by checking your campaign’s progress in the KPI area.
  • In the ‘Campaign Manager’ click on ‘Account Assets’ and from the dropdown menu select ‘Matched Audiences
  • To create matched audiences, select the blue ‘Create Audience’ button and choose ‘Website’ from the dropdown menu.

LinkedIn’s retargeting capabilities allow you to reach out to potential customers who are already interested in what you have to offer. Retargeting prospects on LinkedIn can be an effective way to reach out to potential customers and clients. Through retargeting, you can specifically target individuals who may be interested in your products or services.

Why should marketers be adding LinkedIn Conversion Tracking Pixel?

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking is a tool that allows you to track conversions on your LinkedIn Ads. By installing a simple code within your website, you can see how many leads or sales were generated as a result of your LinkedIn Ads. The data collected by the pixel can help you to fine-tune your advertising strategy, and determine which ads are most effective.

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking can help marketers

Improve their targeting

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking is a powerful tool that can help marketers improve their targeting. The data collected can show what people are doing after they see an ad, whether they’re clicking through to the website or taking other actions. By tracking conversions, marketers can see which leads are most likely to convert and then target those leads more effectively. It also helps improve the overall conversion rate and ROI.

Helps with Retargeting

LinkedIn conversion tracking helps you keep track of the leads that you generate from your campaigns. By tracking conversions, you can see which campaigns are most effective at generating leads and you can retarget your campaigns accordingly. By targeting people who have visited your website, you can make sure that your message is seen by people who are already interested in what you have to offer. Plus, LinkedIn is a great platform for networking and connecting with potential employers, so it’s the perfect place to reach out to your target audience.

Measure ad performance and ROI

LinkedIn pixel tracking is a powerful tool that can help you measure the performance and ROI of your ad campaigns. By tracking the number of clicks, conversions, and leads generated from your ads, you can get a clear idea of which campaigns are performing well and which ones need improvement. Additionally, LinkedIn pixel tracking can help you identify which keywords and demographics are most likely to convert, so you can focus your marketing efforts accordingly.

Related Question

Can you run a LinkedIn ad without conversion pixel tracking?

If you choose to run LinkedIn ads without conversion pixel tracking, you may miss out on important data that could help you optimize your campaigns. Without conversion tracking, you won’t be able to see how many people who saw your ad ended up taking your desired action (such as completing a purchase or signing up for your newsletter). This data is essential for understanding the effectiveness of your ads and making necessary adjustments to improve results. Therefore, while you can technically run LinkedIn ads without conversion pixel tracking, it is not recommended.

Key Takeaway

LinkedIn Conversion Tracking Pixel is an essential tool for businesses to measure the effectiveness of their LinkedIn advertising campaigns. By installing the pixel on your website, you can track how many people visit your website after seeing your LinkedIn ad. You can also track how many of these people convert into customers. With this data, you can fine-tune your LinkedIn advertising campaigns to achieve better results. So if you’re not already using the LinkedIn Conversion Tracking Pixel, I highly recommend that you start using it today.