What ‘Found You Via LinkedIn Profile’ Means

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is a social networking platform with over 645 million users. It allows users to create profiles, connect with others, build professional relationships, and grow their network. A LinkedIn profile is a must-have for anyone in the workforce since it is your professional identity.

A LinkedIn profile makes it easier for people to find you. Therefore, it becomes imperative to maintain your profile and update it. But many people don’t know that you can see who has viewed your Linkedin profile and how they found you. This article will show what ‘Found you via LinkedIn profile’ means.

How can people find your LinkedIn Profile?

LinkedIn Profile is different from Facebook, Instagram, etc. It has different categorizations of ‘Found You’ messages that may seem puzzling to users on the platform. You can check who has viewed your profile under LinkedIn’s ‘View Profile’ section.

Here’s how you can check who has viewed your profile on LinkedIn

  1. Tap on your profile picture
  2. Go to ‘view profile.’
  3. Under Analytics, you can find who has viewed your profile.

You can see the person’s name and how they discovered your LinkedIn profile. If you want to know how people discover your profile, then here are several ways that you can be found on LinkedIn:

Found you via Homepage 

This means that a person has viewed your profile after finding a suggestion about you on their Homepage.

Found you via LinkedIn Search 

Found you via LinkedIn Search means that the person has viewed your profile after it appeared in their search results.

Found you via LinkedIn Profile 

Found you via LinkedIn Profile means that the person found your LinkedIn profile following a suggestion on someone else’s LinkedIn profile.

Found you via LinkedIn Company Pages 

Found you via LinkedIn Company Pages means that the person has seen your LinkedIn profile on the company page. This is because you followed, liked, commented on, or mentioned the company as your workplace.

Found you via Google Search 

Found you via Google Search means that the person has done a Google search and came across your profile.

Found you via My Network 

Found you via my network means that the person is already in your network and searches you.

Found you via Messaging 

Found you via messaging on LinkedIn means that you have sent a message to the person who viewed your profile before reading the message.

These indicators give a clear idea of how well you are exposed to your target audience on LinkedIn.

What does ‘found you via LinkedIn Profile’ mean?

Now, that you know the different ways to be found on LinkedIn, we get to address the main topic of this article, What ‘Found you via LinkedIn profile’ mean. This is the most usual method of discovering people on the platform where people find your profile after viewing a suggestion on someone else’s LinkedIn profile. The greater part of such views comes from the ‘People Also Viewed section. However, there might be a chance that you don’t see this section on your profile since you have turned it off in your profile settings.

Here’s how you can turn it on:

  1. Go to your profile icon, and from the dropdown, choose ‘Settings and Privacy.
  2. Go to ‘Account preferences’ 🡪 ’Site preferences.’
  3. You will see the ‘People Also Viewed’ section and turn it ON.

What makes your LinkedIn Profile more visible?

Suppose you find that few right people look at your LinkedIn profile. In that case, it indicates that you have less presence among your LinkedIn audience. To be more visible, you need to step up and increase your engagement on LinkedIn. This can be done by being more active in liking others’ posts, commenting, and being interactive with your audience.

When you engage with updates and articles posted by others, more people will see you, automatically increasing your visibility on LinkedIn. Additionally, you can change your profile settings from private to public mode.

The larger network you have, the more opportunities to engage with your potential prospects. It is also important to note that the size of your network will only matter if you have quality people in your network. Quality people mean those who represent your target audience. So, make sure to connect with the right and relevant people.

Furthermore, a large network implies credibility. People assume that this person is credible as he is connected with many people. Therefore, in addition to engaging with others, a high-quality network is more important than a larger network that can help you increase your visibility.

What are the next steps when someone has found you via LinkedIn Profile?

Suppose a first-degree connection has found you via your LinkedIn profile. In that case, they might be curious to know about your professional life. If they are in the same field as you, they are most likely looking for or offering you a job. One can always drop a message to start a conversation in such instances. However, it could be a recruiter who will typically send you a message and a connection request.

If you are a marketer, you need to be careful of getting too excited about your LinkedIn profile views. This is because it is common for marketers to receive connection requests and messages from agencies looking to offer their marketing services.


LinkedIn can be a great way for you to be visible to your target audience. Though you might be wondering earlier what is found you via LinkedIn profile means, what is found you via LinkedIn search means, what does found you via homepage mean, and so on. This article must have helped you understand how people discover you on LinkedIn and what ‘found you via LinkedIn profile means. It is always better to know who viewed your profile and how they found you.

Getting more profile visits means more opportunities to build relationships with people who are relevant to you. They may be your potential clients, business partners, or employers, so you need to be on LinkedIn.

Let us know in the comments if you have good profile visits and how you are being found on LinkedIn?