What is an Open Profile on LinkedIn?

Written By Alex Cherry

An open profile means anyone on LinkedIn can send a message to a Premium user even if they are not in their network. But to do this, you must have a LinkedIn premium subscription.

The LinkedIn premium has a lot of features that can be extremely beneficial for users. For example, it allows users to see who has viewed their profile, which can be very helpful in networking. Similarly, one such premium feature is the open profile option which you’ll be going to learn in this article. 

Here you go! 

How to turn on Open Profile on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn open profile option is only visible to premium members. So, if you don’t have a premium subscription, the option will not able be available for you. Here is how you can enable it.

  • Log in to your LinkedIn account using the registered email and password.
  • Click on “Me” from the top navigation bar and then select “Settings and Privacy”
  • Select Communications on the left
  • Under “How you get your notifications” select On LinkedIn and then click Change next to Messages from members and partners. The option is only available to premium members.
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  • Allow anyone on LinkedIn to get in touch with you directly, even if they aren’t connected to you, by turning the toggle to the right under “Allow Open Profile messages?”

One way to make the most of LinkedIn is to enable the “Open Profile” option so even people you don’t know, can send you a message. While you may get some spam messages this way, it is also possible to receive messages from people who can help you with your job search or networking goals. 

Why should you keep your LinkedIn profile open?

Most people think of LinkedIn as a platform to find a job or advance their career. While that is one of the great things you can do with LinkedIn, it can also be a powerful tool for networking and building relationships.

One of the best ways to network on LinkedIn is to enable the open profile option. By doing this, you are more likely to connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise be able to connect with.

Here are some of the other benefits of enabling the open profile option.

You never know who you might meet.

When it comes to LinkedIn, you never know who you might meet. The professional networking site can be a great way to connect with new people and grow your career. By keeping your profile open you could meet someone who could help advance your career or introduce you to new opportunities.

It’s a great way to connect with people outside of your network.

In today’s world, networking is more important than ever. By keeping your messages open to everyone, you increase the chances of connecting with someone who can help you expand your network. Having a bigger network opens you to new opportunities and connections that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

You can build relationships with people you wouldn’t otherwise be able to connect with.

By keeping your messages open to everyone, you can build relationships with people you wouldn’t otherwise be able to connect with. This is a great way to expand your network and make new friends.

It’s a great way to promote your business or product.

LinkedIn is a great way to connect with like-minded professionals and build relationships that can lead to new business opportunities. By keeping your messages open to everyone on LinkedIn, you can, promote your business or product to a wider audience, and can also build relationships with potential customers and partners. Enabling the open profile option also allows you to potentially generate more leads for your business as people will be able to send you a message if they are interested in your product or service.

You can learn new things.

You can learn new things when you keep your messages open to everyone on LinkedIn. You might learn about new trends in your industry, or might come to know about new products or services that you can use in your business.

Keeping your messages open to everyone on LinkedIn has many benefits. So, if you’re not already doing it, start today!

Related Questions

Should I have an open profile on LinkedIn?

There are pros and cons to keeping your LinkedIn messages open to everyone. On the one hand, you may want to build relationships with as many people as possible, and keeping your messages open allows you to do that. On the other hand, you may want to be more selective with who you connect with, and keeping your messages open means that anyone can contact you. Ultimately, the decision of whether to keep your LinkedIn messages open to everyone is up to you.

Can anybody from anywhere message you on LinkedIn?

No, you cannot be messaged on LinkedIn by just anyone. You have to have some sort of connection to the person who wants to message you, whether that be through a mutual friend or a shared LinkedIn group. Even then, there are still some privacy settings that you can put in place so that only certain people can message you.

Key Takeaway

An open profile on LinkedIn means that anyone can see inbox you unless you change it under the settings. Although this is good if you’re trying to network or build up your professional brand, it may not be ideal for those who want to avoid getting unwanted messages.