What is my LinkedIn URL? Here’s How to Find It

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn is a social media site for business professionals. It allows users to connect with other professionals, search for jobs, and promote their businesses. LinkedIn also offers several features that allow users to customize their profiles and connect with others in a more meaningful way. One of these features is the ability to create a personalized URL for one’s profile. 

To find your LinkedIn profile URL, simply log into your LinkedIn account and go to your profile page. On your profile page, you will see a URL in the top bar that says “LinkedIn.com/in/yourusername.” This is your LinkedIn profile URL. But do you know how to find the URL on different devices? If not, read this guide till the end.  

Step by Step Guide to Finding Your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile URL is one of the most important pieces of your online professional identity. It’s the first thing potential employers, clients, and business connections will see when they find you, and it’s a permanent part of your online presence.

If you’re looking for your LinkedIn URL, there are a few different ways to find it, depending on the device type.

Finding LinkedIn Profile URL On Desktop

Finding your LinkedIn profile URL on the desktop is a breeze and doesn’t require you to go into complex details. Here is how you can do it in three easy steps.

  • To find your profile URL, log in to LinkedIn
  • On the navigation bar, click “Me” and select “View Profile”
  • Your LinkedIn profile will open. From there copy the URL from the address bar. The URL is the link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Once copied share it with the employer or save it for reference.

Remember, your public LinkedIn URL will not appear if you don’t have a public profile.

Finding LinkedIn Profile URL on iOS and Android

When you’re on the LinkedIn desktop site, your profile URL is in the address bar of your browser. But on the LinkedIn mobile app for iOS and Android, it is hidden in the “Your Profile” section. Here is a step-by-step guide to finding your LinkedIn profile on iOS.

  • Open the LinkedIn app and tap your profile photo. From there select “View Profile”
  • Scroll down and find the Contact section.
  • Within “Contact” you will see the “Your Profile” section, find your public LinkedIn URL and copy it.
  • Once done you can share it with others.

Your LinkedIn URL is the web address for your profile on the professional networking site. Once you have found it, it is a good idea to include it in your resume and other professional materials. By doing so, you will make it easy for potential employers and colleagues to find and connect with you on LinkedIn.

Choosing the Perfect LinkedIn URL

When you create a LinkedIn profile, one of the first things you need to do is choose your URL. Although this may seem like a small thing, your LinkedIn URL is actually very important as it will look weird if it is not consistent with your profile and may look spammy.

Here are some tips for choosing the perfect LinkedIn profile URL:

Use your full name.

Your profile URL is the unique web address that links to your LinkedIn profile. By default, your profile URL is your first and last name followed by a random string of numbers. While this URL may be easy to remember, it’s not the most professional-looking URL out there. That’s why it’s a good idea to use your full name as your profile URL. For example, if your name is John Smith, your profile URL should be www.linkedin.com/in/johnsmith.

Use keywords.

If you’re looking to optimize your LinkedIn profile for SEO, one of the best things you can do is to include keywords in your profile URL. By including specific phrases, you’ll make it easier for people to find your profile when they’re searching for someone with your skills and experience. Plus, LinkedIn’s search algorithm will be more likely to rank your profile higher in search results if it includes relevant keywords. For example, if you’re a web designer, your profile URL could be www.linkedin.com/in/janesmithwebdesigner.

Keep it short and simple.

The shorter your LinkedIn profile URL, the easier it will be for people to remember and type into their browser. Avoid using long, complicated strings of characters. Also, don’t insert dashes and underscores in your profile URL as this can it look messy and can be difficult to remember. If you absolutely must use them, try to keep them to a minimum.

Be consistent.

If you’re job hunting, you want to make it as easy as possible for potential employers to find and contact you. That’s why it’s important to be consistent with your LinkedIn profile URL. Don’t change it after you’ve created it, or it will be harder for people to find you.

Remember, your LinkedIn profile URL is an important part of your online professional identity. By following these tips, you can choose a URL that accurately reflects your name and career, which will help you be found online.

Related Questions

What is my LinkedIn URL?

The default LinkedIn URL typically includes the person’s name and a unique identifier. For example, a person’s LinkedIn URL might look something like this:


In this example, “john-smith” is the person’s name, and “12345678” is a unique identifier.

Can you create a custom URL for your LinkedIn profile?

Yes, you can create a custom URL for your LinkedIn profile. To do this, go to your profile settings and click on the ‘Edit URL’ section. From here, you can enter a custom URL that will be associated with your profile. Keep in mind that your custom URL must be unique and cannot be already in use by another LinkedIn member.

Key Takeaway

A LinkedIn profile URL is not required but can be helpful when trying to build a professional online presence. It can be used as a way to showcase your work and connect with potential employers or clients. If you are active on LinkedIn, having a custom URL can be a valuable asset.