Where Are LinkedIn Messages Archived?

Written By Alex Cherry

LinkedIn messaging helps us communicate with other LinkedIn users when connected to them on the platform. You can message your connections for free. However, the message area of your LinkedIn account can get congested with many messages. LinkedIn has made it possible to keep your account organized and clutter-free. The archive option on the LinkedIn account has been of significant use to many LinkedIn users. In this article, we will help you understand where the LinkedIn messages are archived, how to view them and how to unarchive them if needed.

Where are LinkedIn Messages archived?

An archive is a place where unwanted data is kept. LinkedIn allows users to delete communications that are no longer relevant or unnecessary in the near future. However, the communications can be recovered from the account’s archive folder when necessary. You can find these archives in the message section of your LinkedIn account. 

How to find Archived messages on LinkedIn using a PC?

Step 1 – Open your LinkedIn homepage

Step 2 – Click on the message icon at the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage

Step 3 – From the left side menu, click on the message filter icon right to the message search box

Step 4 – Click on the ‘Archived’ from the drop-down menu to view all the archived messages

How to find Archived messages on LinkedIn using a smartphone?

Step 1 – Open your LinkedIn app

Step 2 – Click on the message section at the top right corner with a message icon having three horizontal dots in it

Step 3 – Tap on the filter icon at the top right corner of the search box

Step 4 – Click on ‘Archived’ to find all the archived messages here

How to find Archived messages on your LinkedIn Conversation Window?

Step 1 – Open your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Tap on the messages section in the bottom right corner of your LinkedIn homepage

Step 3 – Click on the filter icon with three horizontal lines right to the search box

Step 4 – Select ‘Archived’ from the drop-down menu to find all your archived messages.

What messages should a salesperson archive on LinkedIn?

  • Clients who have already purchased from your organization and are being cared for by your sales or customer team.
  • Old messages that are not relevant to your current campaign.
  • Cold leads which you can keep in a separate list as they make a great lead generation list in the future.

Are the messages archived automatically?

Sponsored messages sent 30 days ago, are automatically archived on LinkedIn. So, if you want to see any of these messages later, you can find them in the archived section.

How to unarchive LinkedIn messages?

Step 1 – Go to your LinkedIn account.

Step 2 – Click on the message bar in the bottom right corner of your LinkedIn homepage

Step 3 – Tap on the filter icon having three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the message search bar 

Step 4 – Click on the message that you want to unarchive

Step 5 – Click on the three dots on the top right corner beside their name

Step 6 – Select ‘restore’

Is it better to archive a message on LinkedIn instead of deleting it?

It depends on you what you want to achieve from these messages. If you are certain that the messages are of no use, you can delete them in such cases. That way, you can reduce the junk of unnecessary messages. However, if you want to keep some messages you might need in the future, you should archive them. Archiving is a reversible process that can be undone, whereas deleting a message cannot be undone.

How to download a copy of your LinkedIn data?

LinkedIn has a feature many may not know about, it is the ability to download your data on the platform. It is important to note that this feature works only on desktops, and here’s how you can do it:

Step 1 – Open your LinkedIn account

Step 2 – Click on ‘Settings & Privacy’

Step 3 – Click on the ‘Data Privacy’ tab on the left-side menu

Step 4 – On the right side, you will find ‘Get a copy of your data’

Step 5 – Select messages from the new window that popped up

Step 6 – Click on ‘Request Archive,’ and you will be required to enter your password to confirm the action

Step 7 – Once the download is ready, LinkedIn will send you a link to download the file

Step 8 – The link will take you to the same page where ‘Request Archive’ will now say ‘Download Archive.’ Click to download the zip of your data

Can I see messages I archived on LinkedIn?

Yes, archived messages are not deleted from the account; therefore, you can view them from the archive section of your message. You can see all the messages that you have archived so far.

Can someone still message if you archive the chat?

Yes, they can message, but you will only receive those messages in your archives. You will not receive any notifications for archived chats unless you are mentioned or replied to.

Do LinkedIn messages disappear?

No, they do not disappear unless you delete or archive them. When you archive messages, they are not deleted from your inbox.

Key Takeaways

You don’t have to keep your LinkedIn message box filled with unimportant messages when you can archive them easily. We have covered how to archive your messages and what kind of messages you should archive. If you forget how to locate them in the future, we have given you a step-by-step guide on that too. Whether you are trying to archive messages from a PC, smartphone or from the LinkedIn conversation window, you can do them easily.

If you plan to delete some unwanted messages but are skeptical about it, you need not worry, as LinkedIn allows you to copy and download any data you want. Once you have downloaded the data, you can go back to your LinkedIn messages and filter out what messages to delete and what to archive.