How To Change your Snapchat Notification Sound? (Android & iPhone)

Written By Alex Cherry

Are you tired of the same old Snapchat notification sounds? Do you wish you could customize them to make your chat page more unique? With Snapchat Plus, subscribers now have the ability to choose their own custom sounds for notifications. This post will show you just how easy it is to change your notification sounds and make your chat page stand out from all of your friends. 

Changing the notification sounds in Snapchat Plus is a simple process. All you have to do is open up the “Chat Settings” menu, select “Notification Sounds”, and then choose the sound that best fits your style. You can also decide if you want different notification sounds for each type of friend that you have.  

So why wait? Get creative and give yourself those extra few seconds to recognize when someone has messaged or posted something new! Stand out from the crowd with custom sound notifications and set yourself apart from all of your friends on Snapchat Plus.

How To Change Snapchat Notification Sounds?

Stay up with trends on Snapchat Plus, the subscription-based version of the social media app. With this version, users have access to custom sounds, friends’ stories, chat page, and notifications. 

How to Change Snapchat Notifications Sounds

Making changes to your notifications can be done easily with just a few steps. Here’s how: 

Step 1: Open Snapchat and tap on the chat icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. 

Step 2: Choose any conversation you had with your friends. Then hold the conversation for at least 2-3 seconds.

Step 3: After that, select “Notification Sound” under the “Chat Settings” category. 

Step 4: Choose from the available sounds aside from the default sound. Alien Amulet, Bottle Pop, Fairy Glass, Log Goblin, Melody Beach, and Mini Drop are some of the most popular preset sounds for many Snapchat Plus subscribers.

Step 5: Once done, tap anywhere except the play button and the selected preset will be marked by a blue check symbol.

Step 6: Confirm the “Set Notification Sound” in order to save the changes in your notification settings. 

Step 7: From now on, your chosen notification sound will be played once that specific friend sends you a snap or chat.

Step 8: Repeat the process all over again if you want to customize sounds for specific friends, family, and groups.

Customizing Your Notifications Even Further 

Moreover, you can also customize notifications sounds on your mobile device settings. To do this: 

Step 1: Open the “Settings” on your mobile device.

Step 2: Scroll down and select the “Apps & Notifications” option.  

Step 3: Tap “Apps Manager” or “Apps.” Then, select “Snapchat” from the list.

Step 4: Once done, scroll down and press “Notifications.”

Step 5: In the “Sound” section, a library of preset sounds will appear.

Step 6: Choose any of the list and customize Snapchat notification sound.

Step 7: You can also turn off notifications completely if you don’t want them at all!  

With these simple steps, you can now choose the sound that best suits your style when it comes to getting notified on Snapchat Plus! Whether it’s a classic sound or something more unique, you’ll always know when someone is trying to get in touch with you!

How Do You Turn Off the Notification Sounds on Snapchat?

If you’re like many people who find notifications sound annoying and disruptive, then you 

may want to turn them off. Fortunately, it’s not too difficult to do so:

Step 1: First, you’ll need to open the Snapchat app and log into your account. 

Step 2: After that, go to your profile and tap the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3: This will bring up your settings page. On this page, you’ll find a list of notifications and other options related to your account. 

Step 4: Next, look for an option labeled “Sound.” You’ll be able to uncheck this option if you want to turn off the notification sounds of Snapchat. 

Step 5: Doing so will stop all notifications from playing a sound when they arrive on your device.

It’s important to note that this setting may be labeled differently depending on which type of device you’re using. 

Alternatively, if you want to keep some notifications but still reduce the amount that comes through, consider setting up “Do Not Disturb” mode within your profile settings — this allows you to set certain times of day where no notifications will be sent. 

This could be useful if there are certain times when you don’t want to be disturbed by constant buzzing and dinging from your phone. 

How To Enable Notification Sounds on Snapchat?

Turning off notification sounds on Snapchat can help keep distractions at bay for those who find it too disruptive or annoying in their daily lives.

However, if you decide that you want your notifications back, just simply go back into the settings page and check the box next to “Sound” again. This will restore all notification sounds associated with your account on Snapchat. 

You can always customize the sound on Snapchat for individual notifications from friends or groups by going into their profile settings and selecting the sound they want to use. 

This way, you can easily differentiate between different alerts without needing to look at each notification individually.

Key Takeaways

  • Snapchat Plus lets users customize notification sounds to make their chat page stand out from their friends. 
  • Changing the notification sounds in Snapchat Plus is a simple process and can be done by opening up the “Chat Settings” menu and selecting “Notification Sounds”. 
  • Users can also customize their phone settings to set different sounds for different types of notifications. 
  • Turning off notification sounds on Snapchat can help keep distractions at bay, but users can easily turn them back on if they want notifications back. 
  • Customizing notifications sounds for individual friends or groups can help users differentiate between different alerts without needing to look at each notification individually.