How To Fix a Temporarily Disabled Snapchat Account? (Easy Guide)

Written By Alex Cherry

Are you trying to log in to your Snapchat account only to be greeted with the dreaded message that it’s been temporarily disabled? We feel your frustration. But don’t despair just yet – there is a way to fix it, and get back to sending those hilarious filters to all your friends.

If your Snapchat account has been temporarily disabled, you can try logging in from a different device to verify your account and get it reactivated. If that doesn’t work, you can contact the Snapchat Support Team to verify your email or phone number or complete a security check. If none of these options work, you may have to wait for the temporary disablement to expire.

And let’s be real, you can’t afford to miss out on any more of those epic group chats or Snapstreaks. If you’re ready to get your Snapchat account back up and running, keep reading! Our step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of fixing a temporarily disabled account. It’s time to take control and get your Snapchat account fixed!

How To Fix Temporarily Disabled Snapchat Account?

If your Snapchat account has been temporarily disabled, there are a few things you can try to get it unlocked:

  • Log in to a Different Device: One of the first things you can try is logging in from a different device. Sometimes, certain devices can be flagged for unusual activity, and your account may be temporarily disabled as a security measure. Logging in from a different device can help verify your account and get it reactivated. 
  • Contact Snapchat Support Team: If that doesn’t work, you can try reaching out to the Snapchat Support Team. They may ask you to verify your email or phone number, or they may ask you to complete a security check to verify your identity. 
  • Wait for 48 hours: And if all else fails, sometimes all you can do is wait for 2 days and let the temporary disablement expire. This will usually take a few days for them to review your case and get back to you.

You can also visit and try logging out of your account and logging back in. This might resolve the issue if the disablement was due to a glitch.

Note that if your account has been permanently disabled, you may not be able to reactivate it. This is usually due to violations of Snapchat’s terms of service, such as sending spam or engaging in harassment or bullying.

Tips For Avoiding Future Temporary Disablements of Your Snapchat Account

The following are some of the ways you can do to prevent temporary disablements on Snapchat:

  • Don’t share your login information with anyone: It’s important to keep your login information, such as your username and password, to yourself. Sharing this information with others can increase the risk of your account being compromised or accessed without your permission.
  • Don’t use third-party apps: Using third-party apps to access your Snapchat account can also increase the risk of your account being compromised. Snapchat may also flag your account for unusual activity if you use third-party apps, resulting in a temporary disablement.
  • Be careful when clicking on links: Be cautious when clicking on links, especially ones that ask for your login information or personal details. These could be phishing scams or other types of malicious websites that are attempting to steal your information.
  • Don’t engage in any suspicious or spammy activity on the app: Engaging in suspicious or spammy activity on the app, such as sending a large number of unsolicited messages or attempting to access unauthorized accounts, can also result in your account being flagged and temporarily disabled.
  • Use strong and unique passwords: Using strong and unique passwords for all of your online accounts can help protect them from being easily compromised. Avoid using the same password for all of your online accounts, instead generate and store strong, unique passwords for you.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for added security: Two-factor authentication is an additional security measure that requires you to enter a code sent to your phone or email in addition to your password when logging in. This can help protect your account from being accessed without your permission.
  • Update your device software: Keeping your phone and device software up to date can help protect your account from security vulnerabilities. Make sure to update your software to the latest version regularly.
  • Follow Snapchat’s community guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Snapchat’s community guidelines and make sure to follow them to avoid any accidental violations that could result in your account being temporarily disabled.
  • Contact the Snapchat Support Team: If you think your account may have been compromised, it’s important to act quickly and contact the Snapchat Support Team. They may be able to help you regain access to your account and secure it against further unauthorized access.

Following these tips will help ensure that you avoid future situations where your Snapchat account might be temporarily disabled due to violation of their terms and conditions. Remember to always have fun while staying safe online!

Why Does It Say My Snapchat is Temporarily Disabled?

Temporary disablements of Snapchat accounts occur when a user has violated the app’s community guidelines or terms of service. This can include sending inappropriate content, promoting illegal activities, or other violations. Such disablements are usually temporary and can last anywhere from 48 hours to 30 days. 

Key Takeaways

  • If your Snapchat account has been temporarily disabled, you can try logging in from a different device to verify your account and get it reactivated. 
  • Contact the Snapchat Support Team if the above steps don’t work. They may ask you to verify your email or phone number, or complete a security check. 
  • To avoid future temporary disablements, don’t share your login information, don’t use third-party apps, be careful when clicking on links, don’t engage in any suspicious activity and use strong and unique passwords. 
  • Temporary disablements occur when a user violates Snapchat’s community guidelines or terms of service. Such disablements usually last 2-30 days.