How To Get Snapchat Back After Being Banned?

Written By Alex Cherry

Hey Snapchatters! Are you an avid user of the app, sending snaps and trying out all the latest filters? Well, it’s important to remember that there are certain rules and regulations you must abide by while using Snapchat. But what happens if you do get banned? 

It can be a real bummer since bans on Snapchat typically tie your device’s IP address to them – meaning creating a new account on the same device won’t work. Severe rule violations may even result in permanent bans – yikes! 

But don’t worry just yet – there’s still hope for those of us who love our daily dose of Snaps. So keep up with those cool filters but make sure to follow all applicable guidelines so as not to end up in hot water with SnapChat HQ!

How To Get Snapchat Back After Being Banned?

There are a few ways to create a new Snapchat account even after being banned:

Reach Out to Snapchat Support Team

One option is to try unlocking your account on the Snapchat support website. Reach out to the team at Snapchat and explain why you were locked out or what led up to it, and they may end up unbanning you! 

Here’s what to do in order to get your account reinstated: 

Step 1: Head on over to – this is where it all starts. 

Step 2: Enter your login details for your locked account – username and password credentials required here. 

Step 3: Once done, press the “Login” button – you’re now one step closer to unlocking your account.

Step 4: Scroll down until you see the “Unlock My Account” button – if there’s been an abrupt IP address change or too many failed login attempts, this is where you’ll find hope.

Step 5: Keep your eyes peeled for any red messages – if you see one that says “Permanently Locked”, unfortunately, you’ll have to buy a new phone and create a new account.

Step 6: The ban targets the IP address of your device, so you’ll need to start fresh with a new phone and a new email. Sorry, but swapping SIM slots or adjusting dates won’t cut it as well.

Step 7: But if there’s no such message, click on “Unlock”.

Step 8: From there onwards, the Snapchat team will send an email indicating on how you can reset the password you used on your Snapchat account.

We know getting locked out of your Snapchat account can be a drag, but don’t give up just yet! Just remember to follow Snapchat’s rules, and you’ll be snap happy once again.

Purchase a New Mobile Device

If contacting support doesn’t work, then buying a new phone with a different IP address is another option for getting around the ban hammer. 

Buying a new phone will also give you a new device ID, which can help you create a brand new Snapchat account. 

Create A New Account

You can also try opening up an entirely new account on another device or email address in order to bypass any bans that were placed on your original one, due to violations of terms of service or other reasons like suspicious activity.

You can still use the same phone number and iCloud account if needed; however, creating an entirely new profile will help keep any old issues in check as well as give you access again without any further complications down the line.  

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

If you don’t want to buy a new phone, then using a VPN is another way to get around the ban. A VPN will mask your IP address and make it appear as though you are accessing Snapchat from an entirely different location

This can help you create a new account without being detected by the company’s security systems.

To sum up, no matter which route works best for you make sure not to waste time trying methods like swapping SIM slots or adjusting dates because these won’t cut it when dealing with bans targeting IP addresses specifically! 

So don’t forget about SCOthman and all those other third-party apps either since they’re no good here either — stick with official solutions only so nothing else goes wrong later on down the road.

Reasons Why Snapchat Ban Your Account

It is estimated that over 363 million people use Snapchat daily. However, users should be aware that there are rules and regulations that govern the app 

If these rules are not followed, your account can be banned. Here are some of the reasons why Snapchat can ban your account:

  • Sharing Explicit Content

This kind of content isn’t allowed on any platform and will get your account suspended or even permanently banned if reported by another user or caught by Snapchat’s AI filters. 

  • Using Offensive Language

No one wants their feeds filled with profanity and hate speech, so try not to use such language when communicating with other users through Snapchat messages or stories as well as comments/replies on posts from others’ profiles. 

Doing so could result in an immediate ban for violating the terms of service agreement that all users must agree upon, before creating their accounts in order for them to remain active within the app’s network environment.

  • Spamming Other Users

Sending out unsolicited links and messages over multiple platforms such as email can lead to getting blocked from accessing certain sites including Snapchat, due to its automated systems detecting repetitive patterns, which may seem a suspicious activity related to behavior.

Thus, resulting in an instant banishment without warning at times if flagged enough. Therefore please refrain from doing such activities while utilizing Snapchat services. Otherwise, risk being kicked off indefinitely until further notice given back again once reviewed accordingly .   

  • Creating Multiple Accounts

Having more than one profile registered under the same name & details usually triggers a red flag alerting Snapchat’s security protocols, leading towards banning those particular individuals who have been found guilty of committing such crimes. 

Thus, it’s important to not only follow guidelines set forth but also abide by rules put in place, in order to ensure the safety & privacy of the entire community members on Snapchat.

  • Promoting Illegal Activities

Promoting illegal activities on any social media platform will result in a ban from that platform immediately.

This includes any form of drug dealing, cyberbullying, and even encouraging self-harm behaviors amongst minors or vulnerable adults. Any activity which violates local law is strictly prohibited and could lead to a permanent ban from Snapchat if caught doing so.

Tips on How to Not Get Ban on Snapchat

The following is some of the helpful tips you can do on how to not get banned from Snapchat:

Read the Terms of Service

Before you start using Snapchat, it’s important that you read and understand their terms of service.

Pay special attention to what content and activities are prohibited. Failing to follow these rules can lead to your account being banned or restricted from certain features.

Avoid Third-Party Apps

It’s important not to use third-party apps as these can often cause issues which lead people into being banned from their accounts in the first place. 

Sorry to break it to you, but Snapchat++ and SCOthman are a no-go. These types of apps often contain malicious code which can cause harm to both yourself and others, who may come into contact with them, through use of said app while online social media networks like SnapChat.

So, please exercise caution here whenever possible.

Don’t Abuse The Features

Snapchat has a variety of features that allow users to interact with one another such as snap stories, filters and lenses, and many others.

So make sure that when using these features you don’t go overboard – if something looks suspicious then it probably is.

Are Snapchat Bans Permanent?

Unfortunately, Snapchat bans are permanent. Once your account has been banned, it will not be restored. 

However, if you believe that your account was falsely banned, you can appeal the ban by contacting Snapchat’s customer service team. You may be asked to provide additional information about your account or the circumstances leading up to the ban.

Key Takeaways

  • If you get banned from Snapchat, there are a few ways to get around it such as contacting Snapchat support, buying a new device, creating a new account, or using a VPN. 
  • Reasons for getting banned include sharing explicit content, using offensive language, spamming other users, creating multiple accounts, and promoting illegal activities.
  • Tips on how to not get banned include reading the terms of service, avoiding third-party apps, and not abusing the features. 
  • Snapchat bans are permanent and cannot be reversed; however, you can appeal the ban by reaching out to customer support.