How to Pin Someone’s Conversation on Snapchat?

Written By Alex Cherry

Some devices allow you to “pin” your favorite contacts to access your Snapchat conversation at any time quickly.

The popularity of Snapchat, a multimedia instant messaging software, shows no signs of slowing down. This software is a must-have, given its many valuable features.

So, to guide you in your query, this article will teach you how to start a pinned discussion on Snapchat. Keep on reading here to learn more.

What Does Snapchat’s “Pin Conversation” Mean?

Some Snapchat users may use terms like “Pin Chats,” “Pin People,” or “Pinned People” on other social media platforms, leaving you to wonder what they mean. Pinned” means the discussion or user is moved to the top of the user’s Snapchat screen.

A Snapchat user’s account status cannot be altered by “pinning” another user. The people you choose to “pin” won’t even know you did it. With this update, it’s much simpler to track down a particular discussion within Snapchat.

How to Pin a Snapchat User?

Snapchat users on iOS are the only ones allowed to “pin” conversations. Unfortunately, this option is absent from the Snapchat app for Android smartphones. So, if you don’t have an iPhone, you can’t pin your friends on Snapchat.

But don’t lose hope. In the future, Snapchat may make this option available to Android users. For the time being, though, Snapchat only allows iPhone users to pin conversations. Here’s how to pin a chat to your Snapchat feed on an iPhone. 

  1. Swipe right from the camera screen in Snapchat to access the Chat or Friends screen.
  2. Select the thread you want to pin or the group chat. Then once you tap the profile of your buddy, it will open.
  3. You may adjust your chat settings by clicking the ellipsis (…), found in the top right corner of your profile page.
  4. Use the drop-down menu and pick “Pin Conversation” to permanently save the current discussion.

You can access the settings for a chat and pin a conversation from the Chat Screen. To do so, press and hold the conversation you wish to pin, then go to Chat Settings and tap Pin Conversation.

When you return to the chat screen, you will pin the person or thread you were discussing to the top. In addition, a thumbtack or pin icon should appear next to the chat.

Snapping a conversation is a private activity. Your Snapchat pinned contacts or groups will not receive any notification that you did so from the app.

How to Unpin People from Snapchat?

Given that you can only have three pals permanently pinned, you’ll eventually have to unpin someone to make way for someone else. It’s a relief that Snapchat makes it so simple to unpin friends.

  1. Long press the user you wish to unpin from your Snapchat screen.
  2. If you want more, select it from the option that will appear.
  3. Select the conversation you wish to unpin.

If you unpin a user, their snaps will join the rest of your Snapchat history and can change by date. To unpin anyone else, repeat the steps above.

Key Takeaways

Numerous chat and social networking platforms allow users to “pin” specific conversations for later reference. A user can pin up to nine on Twitter, three conversations on WhatsApp, five on iMessage, and six on Telegram. Aside from Snapchat, no other app allows you to alter the thumbtack icon.

Try closing and reopening the app if you’re having trouble pinning a Snapchat conversation. Snap’s Pin function has been experiencing some issues, but an update available in the App Store should resolve them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you pin someone on Snapchat 2022?

Steps to pin a conversation:

  1. From the Camera screen, swipe right to access the Conversations screen.
  2. Grab a group or friend conversation and hold it until your options appear.
  3. Click the “Chat” button, then “Settings.”
  4. To save a conversation, select the Pin option.

Why can’t I pin chat on Snapchat?

Pinning is an option that will be available in the most recent updates of Snapchat, so you must install the latest updates. You can also uninstall and reinstall the software if updating doesn’t solve the problem.

How do you pin a Snapchat conversation on Android?

Pinning a conversation on Snapchat is currently available for iPhone users only.

How do you unpin on Snapchat?

Here are the steps to unpin a conversation:

  1. From the Camera screen, swipe right to access the Conversations screen.
  2. Hold down on a friend or Group that is pinning.
  3. Choose your chat preferences by clicking the corresponding button.
  4. Lastly, select “Unpin Conversation” to remove.