What Does IG Mean On Snapchat?

Written By Alex Cherry

From LOL to BRB, there’s barely a day that goes by where you don’t see at least one acronym. But what about IG? You may have seen it on Snapchat, but do you know what it means?

Well, it simply means “I guess,” and it is typically used on Snapchat. It’s often used as a response to a post or statement.

Now that you know what it means let’s talk about how you can use this on Snapchat. Read on to find out more!

What Does IG Mean on Snapchat?

The meaning of “IG” on Snapchat is a bit different than in spoken language. On Snapchat, “IG” is usually used to show agreement or understanding with another person’s statement or opinion. 

It can also mean a response to a post or statement. For example, if someone posts a funny snap and you think it’s hilarious, you can comment “IG!” to let the person know that you agree with them. 

You might see someone post a Snap with the caption, “IG this is my new favorite show?” which means they are asking if this show is their favorite or not. 

But did you know that IG can also stand for something else? I guess the most obvious answer is that IG stands for Instagram. It’s one of the most popular social media apps today, and people are always sharing their posts from Instagram on Snapchat. 

You may see posts like “check out my IG page” or “follow me on IG” when someone is talking about their Instagram account on Snapchat. 

So there you have it – the next time you come across the acronym IG on Snapchat, you’ll know exactly what it means!

How Is IG Used on Snapchat?

So how can you use the abbreviation “IG” on Snapchat? The key is to use it in creative and interesting ways that will get people talking. Here are some tips: 

  • Add flair to your Snapchat stories: Everyone loves a good story, and adding a bit of sass with “I guess” can take your story from boring to engaging. Use it when you are teasing something or when you have something funny or unexpected to say about yourself or someone else. 
  • Express your opinion: If you have an opinion on a Snapchat post, why not express it with a bit of attitude? Use “I guess” to show that you are confident in your opinion and that you don’t care what others think. 

Whether you are looking to add some sass to your Snapchat stories or just want to spice up your conversations, using “I guess” can be an effective way to do it. 

What Does IG Mean in Texted?

When it comes to texting, people often use “IG” as shorthand for “I guess.” This phrase could be used as an expression of uncertainty or agreement. 

For example, if someone asked you a question about a certain topic and you weren’t sure about the answer, you might reply with “IG.”

Key Takeaways

  • IG on Snapchat stands for “I guess” and is typically used to show agreement or understanding with another person’s statement or opinion. 
  • It can also stand for Instagram when used to refer to someone’s account on the social media platform. 
  • It can be used as a creative and interesting way to add flair to your Snapchat stories or express your opinion confidently. 
  • IG can also be used in text messages as shorthand for “I guess” when expressing uncertainty or agreement.