What Does WSP Mean on Snapchat

Written By Alex Cherry

Are you trying to solve a Snapchat photo or an email containing only the character “WSP?” Let your mind rest easy, buddy. You’re not alone in that problem!

Snapchat is among the most well-liked multimedia messaging apps because of its unique filters and stickers. A lot of people like it because of the acronyms they use. “What’s Up?” is an informal way of asking how someone is doing. Its “WSP” abbreviation is commonly used across the platform and in text messages.

Curious about the “WSP” acronym and needs more information? Continue reading our blog as we’ll go through what it is, its use, and how to reply. Let’s work together to decode what “WSP” is.

What does WSP Mean in Snapchat?

“WSP” means “What’s Up” in Snapchat. You can think of it as another way of saying, “How are you doing?” or “What’s going on?” And the usual reply is “Not much,” or “NM” for short.

You may wonder why it isn’t shortened to “WU,” though.

“What’s Up?” can be misheard as “Wassup” in a more casual setting. And who can forget that 1999 Budweiser commercial where everyone said, “Wassup?” That commercial became so popular that “Wassup” entered the dictionary. WSP is just a condensed version of that tired expression.

How to Use “WSP?”

The abbreviation “WSP” has many uses. The objective of “WSP” remains the same regardless of the communication medium. And that is to inquire about the recipient’s welfare.

Do you want to hang out with someone you met on Snapchat? A “WSP” can tell you if they’re free or not! Remember that this method works best with people you spend time with.

However, if you have Snapchat buddies, you haven’t talked to in a while, “WSP” can be a way to get back in touch with them. Sending a friend or family member a note with the simple question “WSP?” will begin the ball rolling on catching up.

The other person will tell you about themselves and what they’ve been up to since you started talking to them. It is an excellent way to start a free-flowing conversation. Try out “WSP” and discover where your discussions take you!

When to use “WSP” on Snapchat? 

In Snapchat, “WSP” is a flexible acronym with several possible applications. The question is a relaxed and informal approach to checking in with your Snapchat pals and seeing how they’re doing.

Let’s examine several instances where the Snapchat filter “WSP” would be helpful.

  • When you’re feeling nosy and curious about your pal’s whereabouts, they may have gone silent recently, and you may be worried about them. Ask them if they’re ready to talk by saying “WSP.”
  • Send a “WSP” to a Snapchat friend if you want to get out with them but aren’t sure if they’re available. A “WSP” can be a fun way to kick off any plan, whether a virtual discussion or an actual expedition.
  • Sending a “WSP” to a Snapchat friend is a way to connect with them after a long silence. You can find out what they’ve been up to and resume being pals.
  • In highly unusual circumstances, “WSP” may be used to express displeasure with another Snapchat user. It’s a subtle method to inquire why they have not replied to your snaps. However, be cautious when employing this strategy because you never know how people may react.

You now have the answer! Now, it’s time to try using “WSP” in one of these contexts next time you’re on Snapchat and see what happens. Remember that the point of “WSP” is to have some lighthearted, fun conversation opener with your Snapchat pals.

How to Reply on “WPS”? 

A “WSP” is an acronym that requests people to talk about life together. Here are some classy and creative ways to respond to a “WSP.”

  • Give a summary of your current activities to get things rolling. Take a short break from work to watch an entire season of your favorite show on Netflix while snacking on some goodies. Do whatever, but make sure your Snapchat pal knows about it!
  • Tell them about a joyous moment from your day or week. Perhaps you embarked on an exciting new hiking adventure, had a delicious new dish, or found a new favorite band. Share a piece of your life with your friend, whatever that may be.
  • Do something goofy and relaxed, like make a joke or a funny expression. Use the “WSP” to be goofy and have fun with your Snapchat pal if you two are the joking, laughing sort.
  • Try inquiring as to how their day is going or what they’ve been up to. You can freely ask your friend about their day or their experiences. After all, this is a “WPS” application for conversation. 

Remember that a “WSP” is about chilling and chatting with your Snapchat pals. Feel free to have some fun and be imaginative with your response.

Key Takeaways

A popular new Snapchat acronym, “WSP,” is going wild online. Various meanings can be attached to this acronym, making it quite flexible. Definitions include “wassup,” “want to snap,” and “will send a pic.” On top of that, the “WSP” acronym is a helpful tool for users to connect and request snaps.

Many abbreviations and slang phrases, including “WSP,” have emerged on Snapchat to facilitate short, snappy messages. Whether you’re a seasoned Snapchat user or just starting, it’s essential to remember the importance of context and tone while trying to decipher the meaning of emoji, slack, and other Snapchat acronyms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does WPS mean in text slang?

In texting and social media, “what’s up” is the most prevalent “WSP” definition.

Does WSP stand for?

WSP means “what’s up” in most contexts, making it a popular texting and social networking acronym. A casual “how are you?” or “what’s up?” might be used to inquire about someone’s well-being or current activities.

What does WSP with you mean in text?

It’s a way of saying, “what’s up?” It’s also easy to use and makes having discussions with loved ones a breeze.