What Does WTMS Mean On Snapchat?

Written By Alex Cherry

Are you a Snapchat user who has seen the acronym “WTMS” pop up in conversations around the platform? If so, you’re probably wondering what it means and how it’s used. Don’t worry- you’re not alone! In this blog post, we’ll uncover the mystery of “WTMS” and explore its implications for Snapchat users. 

WTMS stands for “What’s The Move?” This is an expression used by Snapchat users to ask their friends or followers what they are up to. It is often used when deciding on plans or activities, such as where to go out for dinner or which movie to watch. 

So if you have been wondering what WTMS stands for, now you know! Join us as we explore the many ways this expression can be used in your everyday conversations on Snapchat. You won’t want to miss out on this fun and interesting discussion!

What Does WTMS Mean On Snapchat?

When it comes to social media and text messaging, acronyms are everywhere. They are a convenient way of shorthand to communicate quickly and easily with your peers. 

Sometimes, however, they can be confusing when you don’t know what they mean. For example, have you ever seen an acronym on Snapchat that reads “WTMS”? What does this acronym stand for and what does it mean?

WTMS stands for ‘What’s the Move?’ This is a slang expression used by Snapchat users to ask their friends what they should do or where they should go next. It is often used when trying to make plans or decide on the next destination. 

Another popular acronym that is similar in meaning is ‘What’s the Max?,’ which usually refers to the maximum amount of Snap someone has.. 

On the other hand, there is also an acronym called ‘What’s the Matter?’ This expression is usually used on Snapchat when someone wants to know why something isn’t happening or why something isn’t working out as planned. It can be used in a variety of contexts including work, school and relationships. 

Finally, there is a less common acronym called ‘Whatever That Means (WTMS).’ This expression is typically used when someone doesn’t understand what another person has said but doesn’t want to admit it. It can also be used sarcastically when someone doesn’t agree with another person’s opinion or idea. 

So next time you see WTMS on Snapchat you now know it stands for ‘What’s The Move?’ However, depending on context it could also stand for ‘What’s The Max?’, ‘What’s The Matter?’ or ‘Whatever That Means.’

How Do You Respond to WTMS?

When someone sends WTMS on Snapchat, it could mean any of the following: 

  • What’s The Move: This is when someone is asking what you’re doing or suggesting an activity. A good response would be something along the lines of “Nothing much – what do you have in mind?” 
  • What’s The Max: This is when someone is asking what the limit or maximum amount of Snap you have on Snapchat is. A good response would be something along the lines of “It depends – maybe 50?”
  • What’s The Matter: This is when someone is trying to figure out what’s wrong or if something has gone wrong. A good response would be something along the lines of “I’m not sure – but I don’t feel good today.”

No matter which WTMS acronym they use on Snapchat, it always helps to ask questions and find out more information before responding. That way, you’ll have all the details and won’t feel like you’re shooting in the dark!

Key Takeaways

  • WTMS stands for “What’s The Move?” used on Snapchat as a question on what they are up to. 
  • Other acronyms that are similar in meaning include ‘What’s the Max?’, ‘What’s the Matter?’ and ‘Whatever That Means (WTMS)’. 
  • When someone sends WTMS on Snapchat, it could mean any of these meanings depending on context. Asking questions can help clarify which one is being used.