What Does WYLL Mean On Snapchat?

Written By Alex Cherry

You’ve probably seen the word “WYLL” on your friends’ Snapchat stories. And if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably been scratching your head over this acronym. So we did some digging, and here’s what we found out: 

WYLL stands for “What You Look Like” and is commonly used on Snapchat when referring to a person’s physical appearance. It often served as an ice-breaker or friendly conversation starter between two Snapchat users who are getting to know each other. 

With this term, you can find out more about your friends and start meaningful conversations—all while being respectful of their physical appearance. So go ahead—give it a go and see what happens!

What Does WYLL Mean on Snapchat?

WYLL is an acronym that stands for “What You Look Like.” It’s a playful phrase used on Snapchat to ask someone to send you a picture of themselves or to share their current appearance. 

It can also be used as a way to spark conversations or just show off your style. Basically, if you send a WYLL snap to someone, it means that you want them to take a picture of themselves so you can see how they look in real life. It’s like saying, “let me see your face.”

However, it doesn’t have to be limited to just friends who have been chatting online forever—you can send a WYLL message to anyone. 

So, how can you make use of this acronym? Well, here’s how:

  • If you’re looking to compliment someone, WYLL can be an effective way of doing so. You can tell them something specific about what they look like that makes them stand out, or simply tell them that they look great on Snap.
  • On the other hand, if you want something more casual and lighthearted, WYLL can also be used in a playful way – such as asking someone, “What do you think I look like?” 

You may be wondering why this is necessary—after all, you could just go to their profile page and check out their photos there. 

But sometimes people want to see more than just one or two photos, or they might be feeling lazy and don’t feel like scrolling through the rest of their snaps. In those situations, WYLL comes in handy.

How Do You Respond to WYLL on Snapchat?

If you’re not sure how to respond to a WYLL request, there are a few options:

1. Send back a snap, just your face with the same text (WYLL). This might seem like an easy way out, but it does make things easier for everyone involved.

2. Send back a snap, with any other text (like “I’m here!”). This is also pretty easy and straightforward.

3. Send back something else entirely (like “I’m at work” or “What’s up?”). If you feel like sending something other than your own Snap, this is the way to go.

Why Used WYLL on Snapchat?

WYLL is an acronym that allows you to add some personality and flair to your post quickly. By including a fun caption or emoji alongside the photo, you can make sure that people will remember who sent them the snap. 

Key Takeaways

  • WYLL stands for “What You Look Like” and is commonly used on Snapchat when referring to a person’s physical appearance. 
  • WYLL can be used as an ice-breaker or friendly conversation starter between two Snapchat users. 
  • Responding to a WYLL request could involve sending back a snap of your own face with the same text, sending any other text, or sending something else entirely.