What Is The Longest Snapchat Streak Of All Time?

Written By Alex Cherry

The longest Snapchat streak of all time is 2732 days as of November 2022. It’s impressive, sure, but how did they do it?

This record belongs to two best friends, Hannah Garret and Lauren Luckey, who have maintained a streak lasting 7 years. They started their streak in April 2015 and have kept it going ever since! This epic streak has amassed over thousands of snaps back-and-forth.

It’s amazing to see how these two friends have managed to keep up such an impressive streak for so long. Not only does it show how committed they are to their friendship, but it also serves as an inspiration for other Snapchat users who want to maintain their own streaks with friends.

What Is A Snapchat Streak?

One of the most popular features on the Snapchat app is the ability to maintain “streaks” with your friends—that is, a continuous chain of messaging that can last for days, weeks or even months.  

The amount of days it takes to start a streak varies from 3 days up to 100 days, depending on how often the two users exchange snaps. Once a streak has been established, the users are rewarded with an emoji that appears next to their name in the chat window. 

This emoji serves as a reminder that they have successfully maintained their streak and encourages them to continue sending snaps back and forth.

Streaks can be used as a way for friends to stay connected, even if they don’t have time for long conversations. It also encourages users to be more active on the platform, which could potentially lead to discovering new friends or content. 

Aside from Hannah and Lauren, these are the top 5 Snapchat users who hold the longest Snapchat streaks as of 2022:

Snapchat UsersTotal of Snapchat Streak Days
#1 Hannah Garret and Lauren Lucky2732 days
#2 Fatmis and Samko2663 days
#3 John and Harley2616 days
#4 Daniel and Robin2478 days
#5 Ally Zaino and Kat Bruneau2165 days
#6 Julie S and Kristi B2215 days

While streaks are generally seen as fun and harmless, some people can become overly obsessed with them which can lead to negative consequences like neglecting real-world activities or feeling guilty when they can’t maintain their streaks. 

Tips For Keeping A Long Streak

It can be difficult to keep the streak going, especially if you don’t have much experience with Snapchat, or if you’re new to the platform altogether.

However, there are some simple tips that can help you build your streak with anyone—no matter what your relationship or how long they’ve been on Snapchat:

  • Send Snaps Regularly: Make sure you send your snaps at the same time every day. This will help you maintain a consistent schedule and make it easier to plan out your day.
  • Be Consistent: Posting too often can seem desperate, but posting rarely makes people wonder if something happened to you or if they should start looking for another friend to talk to instead of you! It’s important that you find a balance between posting too little and posting too much. 
  • Keep The Conversation Going: If someone sends you a snap, don’t just respond once; keep the conversation going by sending them another one right away. This will help keep their name on your list of contacts and ensure that they stay as part of your streak. 
  • Monitor Your Progress: Monitoring your progress as you go along is key for staying motivated and on track with your Snapchat Streak goal. Additionally, noting any setbacks or challenges along the way can also help inform future plans and strategies for maintaining a long streak of success. 
  • Don’t Spam People With Snaps: This might seem like a no-brainer but it’s important to avoid spamming people with snaps just because you want to keep your streak alive. If someone doesn’t respond within 24 hours of receiving a snap from you, they probably aren’t going to respond at all—and then your streak is toast. So hold off on sending out that next selfie until they’ve responded to the first one.

What Happens After a 1000 Streak on Snapchat?

Once you reach a 1000-streak on Snapchat, you will be rewarded with a special “snapstreak” emoji and a notification that tells you how long your streak has been going. 

Key Takeaways

  • Maintaining a Snapchat streak is an impressive feat, with the current record being held by two friends at 2732 days. 
  • A Snapchat streak is a continuous chain of messaging between two users that can last for days, weeks or months. 
  • Keeping a long streak requires regular and consistent messaging and avoiding spamming people with snaps. 
  • After reaching 1000 days of streaks, users are rewarded with a special “snapstreak” emoji and a notification.