What Does Mutual Friends Mean on Snapchat? 

Written By Alex Cherry

Are you a Snapchat user? Do you ever wonder what mutual friends mean on the app? Mutual friends are connections between two users who have one or more of the same contacts in their phones. 

Mutual friends on Snapchat are users that both you and the other person have added to your list of contacts. It’s an easy way to identify who you already have a connection with on the app. By having mutual friends on Snapchat, you can stay up-to-date with each other’s posts and stories, as well as interact with each other more easily.

In this blog post, we will discover what mutual friends actually mean on Snapchat and how it works. Keep reading!

What Does Mutual Friends Mean on Snapchat? 

Mutual friends are an important part of using Snapchat since they provide a way for people to connect with others that may share similar interests or lifestyles without having to search through thousands of strangers’ profiles in hopes of finding someone interesting enough to follow. 

The feature also allows users who don’t know each other personally but may still have some common acquaintances, such as family members or coworkers, find out about one another before making any decisions regarding adding them as a friend on the app. 

So how does it work exactly? When two users view each other’s profile page, there is usually an icon indicating whether either person has any mutual contacts listed among their own contacts list such as family members. 

If so then those individuals will appear under “mutuals” section where both parties can see which contacts link them together – allowing for easier recognition when trying to make new connections via social media platforms like Snapchat

How To Use Quick Add Feature on Snapchat?

Quick Add is a section on the Add Friends page that shows you suggestions of people you might know or want to connect with on Snapchat. These suggestions are based on various factors, such as your location, your phone contacts, your existing friends, and your activity on the app.

Some of these suggestions may have a label that says “# mutual friends” under their username. This means that you have some friends in common with them on Snapchat. For example, if you see someone with “3 mutual friends”, it means that three of your Snapchat friends are also friends with that person.

Using Quick Add is very simple and convenient. Here are the steps:

Step 1: To get started, open the Snapchat app on your device and swipe down to open your Snapchat profile page. 

Step 2: Tap on the “Add Friends” icon near the center of your screen that looks like a person with a plus sign. You will then see an “Quick Add” column at the top of this same page with some suggested users who you may want to add as friends. 

Step 3: To add someone from Quick Add, simply tap on their name followed by tapping “+Add” next to it – it’s that easy! 

Step 4: If you’re looking for more suggestions or would like hide someone from view entirely, all you have do is either swipe left in order find more people or tap their name if wanting them removed altogether before finally hitting “Hide”. 

Step 5: However, if none of those options appeal but instead prefer not seeing any names whatsoever then head over Settings > Who Can… > See Me In… where there should be an option labelled “Quick add” which when switched off will ensure nobody appears under this section again until being reactivated once more through these same settings.

How To Maximize Mutual Friends on Snapchat?

One of Snapchat’s functionalities is adding friends, allowing you to communicate with people on the app. You can add friends through snapcodes, usernames, contact synchronization, or the Quick Add option.

Having mutual friends on Snapchat can be beneficial for several reasons:

  • First, it can help you find new people to chat with or follow on the app. 
  • Second, it can increase your chances of getting added back by someone you send a friend request to. 
  • Third, it can make your conversations more interesting and engaging by having some common topics or references.

So how can you maximize your mutual friends on Snapchat? Here are some tips:

  • To increase your list of Snapchat friends, sync your phone contacts. If you haven’t synced them yet, tap the profile icon (Bitmoji) in the top-left corner of the screen, select “Add Friends,” and then “Contacts.” You’ll be able to view your phone contacts who are also on Snapchat and send them a friend request.
  • Add more people from other social media platforms. If you have accounts on other social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or TikTok, you can use them to find and add more people on Snapchat. You can either share your snapcode or username on those platforms and ask people to add you back or search for their snapcodes or usernames if they have shared them publicly.
  • Add more people from nearby locations. If you enable location services on your device and allow Snapchat to access them, you can use the Snap Map feature to find and add more people who are nearby or in places you visit frequently. You can access the Snap Map by pinching inwards on the camera screen or tapping on the map icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
  • Add more people from similar interests or activities. If you use Snapchat to discover content from other users and publishers, such as stories, shows, games, filters, lenses, etc., you can use them to find and add more people who share similar interests or activities with you. You can either tap on their profile icons or usernames when viewing their content or search for their usernames if they have mentioned them in their content.

How Do You Know If Someone Is A Mutual Friend on Snapchat?

To find out if someone is a mutual friend on Snapchat, you can either search for their username in your friends list and see if they are listed, or you can tap on their name and look at the list of mutual friends. If the person appears on the list, then they are a mutual friend.

Key Takeaways

  • Mutual friends are people who have some friends in common with you on Snapchat.
  • You can see mutual friends under the Quick Add section on the Add Friends page.
  • Having mutual friends can help you find new people to chat with or follow on Snapchat.
  • You can maximize your mutual friends by adding more people from your phone contacts,
  • other social media platforms, nearby locations, and similar interests or activities.