Why Are Some Snapchat Stories Blue?

Written By Alex Cherry

If you’ve ever browsed through your friends’ Snapchat stories, you may have noticed that some of them have a blue ring around them. You’re probably wondering why some Snapchat stories are blue. Well, the answer may surprise you.

Every time you open Snapchat, you can see all the latest content from your friends and family. When someone shares a private story on their account, it will appear as a blue ring around the image or video they posted.

The blue ring indicates that a private story is available for viewing for up to 24 hours from when it was posted. This means that any Snapchat user can view this story within the 24-hour window before it disappears from the chat page – which also explains why the chat page is a blue accent in color. 

So if you notice a blue ring on one of your friends’ stories, make sure to check it out before it disappears!

Why Are Some Snapchat Stories Blue?

The blue ring around some Snapchat stories indicates that the story has been shared with a select group of friends and family. It indicates that only those who have been invited to view the story can see it exclusively for 24 hours before it disappears from both your and their stories page.

This feature on Snapchat makes sharing special moments with close friends and family much easier than before, as it allows users to create unique memories without worrying about anyone else viewing them prematurely or accidentally stumbling across them later on. 

So, if you want to share some private snaps with a select group of people, keep an eye out for that blue ring!

How To Create A Private Snapchat Story?

One of the coolest features of Snapchat is its private story, which allows users to post a private story that lasts for 24 hours. But how do you turn your Snapchat story blue? 

Step 1. The first step is by opening the Snapchat app on your phone or tablet.

Step 2. After that, go to your profile page and tap your bitmoji icon.

Step 3. From there, you will see an option at the top right corner labeled  “+New Story”.

Step 4. Once you click on this button, it should bring up a pop-up window with two options: “New Private Story,” and “New Custom Story”. 

Step 5. Tap the “ New Private Story.” Here, you can choose which friends can access your private story. Add any desired friends by tapping on their profiles, and then name your private story. 

Step 6. Then, simply press the “Done” button once finished. 

Step 7. A blue ring will encircle your new private story, indicating that it is only visible to your selected friends.

Ways to Make Your Private Snapchat Story More Engaging and Effective

Creating a private Snapchat story can be an effective way to engage with your followers, build relationships, and promote your brand. Here are some Snapchat private story tips for making the most of this platform:

  • Use Creative And Interesting Titles: Titles can help draw attention to your posts and make them stand out from the crowd. 
  • Add A Variety Of Content: Videos, images, audio clips and GIFs all give you different ways to express yourself on SnapChat so use them!  
  • Engage With Followers Through Polls & Quizzes: Ask questions or create fun quizzes that will get people talking about your brand or product in an engaging way!  
  • Utilize Snapchat’s Editing Tools: Customizing content using these tools will make it look much more professional than just posting raw footage or photos straight from camera roll.
  • Share Behind-The-Scenes Content: Letting people into what goes on behind closed doors is always exciting as they feel like part of something special which helps foster loyalty & trust towards you/your business/brand.

What Does The Color of A Snapchat Story Mean?

The purple and blue rings both signify unwatched stories. If you see a purple or blue ring around a story, it means that it has not yet been viewed. However, a blue ring indicates that the story is part of someone’s private story, and you have been granted access to it. Private stories are created when users want to share content exclusively with selected individuals.

Key Takeaways

  • The blue ring around some Snapchat stories indicates that the story has been shared with a select group of friends and family.
  • By looking out for the distinctive blue ring around shared content on the chat page, you can avoid any confusion and ensure that only those who have been invited can access your private snaps.
  • Creating a private Snapchat story involves tapping the “New Private Story” option on your profile page, then choosing which friends can access it and naming it. A blue ring will encircle your new private story to indicate it is only visible to those invited. 
  • Using creative titles, adding a variety of content, engaging with followers through polls and quizzes, utilizing Snapchat’s editing tools, and sharing behind-the-scenes content can all help make your private story more effective. 
  • The purple or blue rings both signify unwatched stories but blue rings indicate that the story is part of someone’s private story.